That was someone calling me on a business matter. “Feel free,” I replied. They were curious as I why the last time we spoke why I was in Nigeria. I explained that my husband was Nigerian, and he asked if my husband was Muslim. “He isn’t, but he acts as if he is, if you know what I mean! (HEHEHE!)” I replied. That led to me to tell him about my daughter’s boyfriend, Mo, who is a real Muslim.

I shared how Mo blew my mind when I asked him how God fits into the positive mindset he preaches to my daughter. He said that HIS FAITH IN GOD WAS WHAT GAVE HIM THE REASON TO BE SO POSITIVE. He knew that because God was the ultimate Controller of His life, everything would work out well for Him. He knew God was behind the scenes working on His behalf and that He didn’t have to handle life alone. He just has to show up, do His best and leave the rest with God. Mo, chop knuckles, my man!

Mo just sent me this message a short while ago:

“That’s one thing that I say to Ember, that you are always joyful and strong. I’m glad I’ve impacted your life in a positive way. Thank you for reminding me to keep God first because everyone needs a reminder. I will continue to make Ember happy and make her a better version of herself every day!”

If Ember and Mo break up, I think I will be more heartbroken! See the blessings of God, guys! My daughter is far from me, but God has brought her a wise and positive friend! Honestly, today, under my God tree, I prayed with hubby only this: “God, thank You!”

And speaking of my “Muslim” hubby (Mo also wisely taught me that all men are! It’s just the way God wired them!), I feel God asking me to return to being EXTRA SOFT with him. To overwhelm him with my deep love, respect, and appreciation by being extra gentle, patient, and supportive. He has earned it! And like Mo wants to do with Ember, make hubby happy and help him become the best version of himself by the grace of God. This marriage thing is certainly not easy, but it’s our vital work for God to keep our homes and families happy and together. Just as Mo accepts Ember for her strengths and weaknesses, I will do the same for hubs as he hopefully does the same for me.

Where is your faith in God? I pray that we all can get closer to God this year, knowing He is walking with us every moment, guiding, directing, supporting, and helping us. WE ARE NEVER ALONE, FOR GOD EXISTS!!! Feel me? THE GOD PERSPECTIVE CHANGES EVERYTHING!!!