That was me to my hubby, calling him from under my God tree to pray with him. Today, both of our daughters have interviews for internship opportunities in New York, and I’m incredibly proud of our family, y’all. But of course, I’m giving all the glory and praise to God for being the guardrail of our lives and giving us His strength, favor, protection, and wisdom that helped us to get here. GOD, WE THANK YOU!!!!

Mission accomplished!!! That’s how I’m feeling! Hubby gave his blessings for us to leave Nigeria and come to the US for the girls to pursue their goals of attending university in New York (I got the best baby daddy!) Let me tell ya, IT TOOK LOTS OF STRENGTH TO GET THEM THERE. But God did it! Having a husband on the other side of the world was highly complicated, but I love this recent comment:

“Hmmmm that’s also for your peace of mind while you keep believing in God to give you more strength to keep your home together. May God’s love and harmony reign in your home, ma’am.”

That’s my prayer for us all! That God’s love and harmony reign in our homes and in our hearts as we strive to be the loving, going the extra mile people God Himself would have us to be, not only in our homes, but that everywhere we go, our lives will reflect God.

I was chatting with someone running for an important government position, and I’m encouraging him to read my posts to get current and up-to-date information on God. Like I can’t get over how God told me when it was time for me to leave Nigeria and get back to work at our office in the US. I honestly went to God in tears, upset about my little emotional woman issue. I felt God saying in my spirit to listen to a message from my God influencer, Ceri. That morning, I had read in an appointment with God Exodus 14:14, and incredibly the message from Ceri was taken from the next two verses Exodus 14:15-16:

“Then the Lord said to Moses, “WHY ARE YOU CRYING OUT TO ME (Exactly me in that moment, literally crying out to God!)? TELL THE PEOPLE TO GET MOVING!”

Ceri said that he didn’t even plan on speaking that day, but it was a feeling (a pulling) that told him to just do it and say those verses. He explained that he didn’t know who the verses were for, but obviously, he was pulled in by the spirit to read them. Ceri went on to explain that God was telling Moses to tell the people to get up and GO TO WORK. See how talkative God is? He spoke to me clearly through Ceri – Nik, get back to work in your office in the US!!! And honestly, that was the best decision!

Notice how Ceri felt that strong pull to speak (God’s voice!), even though he had no plans to. Also, notice how I went crying to God and His spirit (God’s voice again!) led me to that perfect message from Ceri that continued right on from the very verse I had read earlier in my appointment with Him that morning. WE ARE NOT GOING THROUGH LIFE ALONE; We all have God’s voice within us, and the wiser Nikki here has learned to feel Him out in the 1,000 decisions I make every day, where I can consider every day Valentine’s Day sticking with God and hubby. Wink! Wink!