Conversation number 1:               “You’re on my list to bring closer to God,” I commented to a friend.  She said that the day before was one of the most stressful days of her life, but she pulled out a book I gave her and read the words I had written:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

And lean not on your own understanding;

In all your ways acknowledge Him,

And He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

She calmed down and committed the next 90 days to have 4 appointments with God every day, saying that she knows she’ll taste His goodness and mercy.

2:            “God gave me a message for you!”  I said to another friend who complained that she was unhappy over the actions of someone else.  I told her she can’t let other people determine her happiness, but God had this message:

“According to St. Augustine, God is the center, the life, and delight of our heart, and our heart will never find peace and happiness unless it rests in him.  Therefore it is necessary to keep our heart detached from all earthly creatures and thus have it find repose in God, who is our sole infinite happiness.”

3:            “Is there anything I should do to give my life to God?” someone asked.  I shared a portion of a book that I had just read which perfectly explained why I recommend having appointments with God:

“The more you look at Him (spending alone time), the more of your life you surrender to Him, the more you will go “from glory to glory.”  You will become like Him and you will catch his vison for your life.”

And His plans for us are the very best!

4:            As usual, a friend had the perfect words, as if she was expecting my call.  She had just watched a TV show with the wife of an NBA player, who have a reputation of being unfaithful.  The wife said, “Bottom line:  I trust him.  I can’t be with him 24 hours a day and that’s where trust comes in.”

After thinking about it, it’s the same with me and my hubby, after being together for almost 14 years, I trust him and he certainly has earned my respect, trust and loyalty. I committed myself to being an even better wife.