Was me to the furniture saleslady yesterday evening, when I went to pick up a table and mat that I had seen from the day before.  After paying for them and about to leave, I saw another table that I preferred and on debating on what to do, of course, that was another conversation with God!  I thought about the table I had already paid for, then I thought about the other table.  Which one did I go with?  The one that I was most excited about, the other table.  The mat I had also already paid for didn’t go too well with the new table so I ended up returning that as well and I picked out another rug, which again I was totally excited about.  I was only able to bring the mat home with me and I must say, “I love my rug!”  Thanks, Partner!!!

Get God involved with EVERYTHING is my message to you today!  He’s the best adviser!  This requires us to slow down, pay attention and LISTEN!  Just a few minutes with Him made the decision easy as what choice to make.  And if I didn’t get feelings of peace or excitement from any of those tables, I would’ve taken that as God directing me not to get anyone of them!

And notice I’ve been writing a lot about my house lately?  It was a comment from my hubby – a very brutal comment – that got me realizing I need to improve in the house department.  I remembered the advice from my meditation book: If someone says ten thousand words against you, either improve or ignore.  I’m therefore working on constant and never ending improvement!   Not getting overwhelmed anymore, but I’m taking it as I take on any other challenge, little by little and one step at a time. I’m getting God involved and with His help and direction, we’re going to get this house together!  I’m not going to look at the 1,000 things I need to do, just what I can do today, or this week to make things better.  See how intimately God is involved in our lives?  He even cares about my house!

Get God involved with everything.  Pay attention to those feelings. I’m really talking constant conversations with God here!