I jokingly said to God this morning!  There I was lying in bed with my three Emmanuels (hubby and two sons), just waking up, when out of the blue my hubby says to me, “Nikki, you’re the best wife in the world.”  THIS IS A MIRACLE because my husband’s specialty is in giving criticisms and he rarely has anything complimentary to say!  Good thing I was lying down, I might have fallen out! We used to have arguments about it all the time, “You never have anything nice to say to me!” I complained.  With God’s help, though, I’ve grown a lot from the person who longed for praise from my husband or anyone else, and I now focus on running my own race and simply being the best version of myself.  Constant and never ending improvement!

I loved this quote I read this morning in my meditation book:

“We might have much peace if we would not busy ourselves with the sayings and doings of others, and with things which do not concern us.  Blessed are the simple of heart, for they shall enjoy much peace.”

Hearing a compliment from someone should only add to how we already feel about ourselves.  Thanks, Hon, you’re the world’s best husband!

But speaking of miracles, ever since I started reading Marianne Williamson’s book, ‘A year of Miracles,’ I’ve been on the lookout for a miracle every single day and my life is becoming a miraculous adventure with God. When I stay in touch with God (having those appointments with Him!) and following His lead, going to Him in the 1,000 decisions I make every day and doing what I feel He would have me to do, is when I experience the sweetest miracles.

I still can’t get over the miracle from day before yesterday when the nudge from God was to call a friend. There I was feeling sad about a certain issue for a few days and when I called, it was really as if she was expecting to hear from me because it just so happened that she had watched a show that very day where she heard a wife comment about her husband: “Bottom line, I trust him.”  This had such an impact on me that I called my husband to see what he was having for dinner, made sure the house was extra clean before he got home, but most of all, it inspired me to really be the best wife in the world.  Thanks, for being my miracle, my sweetie!