That was the crucial question my brother/angel, Kevin, asked yesterday! I said, “K, don’t worry about that. I tried calling, and they sent a text asking who it was, and after I said it was me, they never texted or called back, and that’s OK.” “It’s not OK,” Kevin insisted. I responded, “It’s very OK! They taught me an important lesson: people can come in and out of your life, but God loves us unconditionally and sticks with us no matter our mistakes and failings.

Fast forward to me going under my tree to talk to God, He wanted to get in on that conversation when this old post showed up:


… that’s why I cherish the ones who do!” That was me to my brother, Kevin. I’m still thanking him for keeping my head together last year…And having people like Kevin in life is what makes life sweeter. I’m not talking about superficial, fake relationships. I’m talking about people who are really for you and your success. They’re loving and loyal, and I’m blessed to have such. Hubs and I are celebrating this entire year because this will make 20 years since we met for the first time. 20 years putting up with me! That’s cause for celebrating!

The values such as patience, going overboard in love and forgiveness, seeing the best in others and not their faults (anyone can find dirt in others, be the one that finds the gold), integrity, loyalty, kindness, and just always reminded that nobody’s perfect (including myself), have led my life on a beautiful path with some pretty awesome people who love and support me. I won’t start listing them, but they know who they are!


“The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; Do not be discouraged.”

Let’s stay loyal to Him by making Him our PRIORITY, going to Him in every decision seeking to make Him happy. I promise you, God doesn’t disappoint! He gives us more than we can ever imagine, like the most extraordinary relationships!!!”

Anybody who doesn’t want to speak to me, no problem, I’m good! Even this husband I mentioned, who has stuck with me for the last 20 years, decides he doesn’t want to not be with me anymore, no problem. I’m his ride-or-die loyal to the end wife, but he may not feel the same. And that’s life! We must carry everyone with open hands!!! The ones who celebrate being with you, keep them close. The ones who celebrate when you leave, let them go! Life is too short, baby!

I loved a God wink first thing this morning. Yesterday, I sent Kevin a photo of his words to me that I’ve made my phone’s screensaver:

“Neeks, God wants you to know YOU ARE SECURE IN HIM.”

First thing this morning, I went to page 4 for an appointment with God and these words were there written as if God was speaking directly to me:

“I want you to realize how UTTERLY secure you are (Wink! Wink!)! Even if you falter as you journey through life, I will never let go of your hand. Knowing that your future is absolutely assured can free you to live abundantly today.” – Jesus Calling

No way this was a coincidence! It was God speaking directly to me!!! Not just secure, He said “UTTERLY secure.” So, what’s my business if someone doesn’t want to speak to me anymore? I wish them nothing but the best, and we keep it moving forward. Even our own father and mother may forsake us, but God wants us all to know WE ARE UTTERLY SECURE IN HIM!!! Amen!!! MAKE GETTING TO KNOW HIM YOUR TOP PRIORITY!!!!