Forget about it, Ember, I’m God’s favorite! Even though I insisted she go to no trouble, my sister-in-law, Aima, threw me the best get-together yesterday at her house. I’m talking about the best company, lots of food and an extra special surprise from God. I was at the Hard Rock Hotel in the parking lot a couple of weeks ago overlooking a day club (like a nightclub but in the day) that I stood watching the DJ talking and playing music. I was there dancing in the parking area, saying I wanted to go with my daughters. But my daughters aren’t old enough, and even though I planned to go with a friend (even bought new clothes to go!), in the end, though, I just had a good time laughing with God, “Nik, really? You know you’re not going to any day club!” and I gave the clothes to the girls.

Can you believe God brought the day club to me at Aima’s house? A family friend connected to DJ Cassidy on YouTube, and we all had a great time dancing and singing with all the stars of my favorite jams. It was like DJ Cassidy got a hold of my God’s girl’s playlist from my phone and brought all these people together just to sing my favorite songs personally to me for my birthday. It was incredible, and I felt so deeply loved by God. Like he was personally saying, “Nik, I brought the day party to you!’ I even enjoyed blended daiquiris (No alcohol!). My favorite song to play was “Nobody will love You better’ by Chaka Khan, which I played right before leaving home to go there. It was another one of my God winks (God alignments!) with Him saying, ‘Nobody will love you better than Me, Nik! (HUGE SMILE)

Then I’ve been thinking of treating myself to an iPad to kick my work for buying cars at the auction up a notch. That I can virtually buy cars anywhere without having to be plugged into my bulky laptop. The girls and my sister, Kelly, surprised me with a brand-new iPad for my birthday! I was again blown away by God! He knows every thought I think, and He was behind the scenes orchestrating that iPad for His girl here! (HUGE SMILE AGAIN)

Ember did a birthday run with me, and I insisted on completing a 5K, which is 3.11 miles. I tell you guys like a crazy lady how this number “311” is God’s way of telling me to be still and allow Him to fight my battles for me. That I should specifically stay on the high road being my best, most loving, patient self for Him. So, I got back to our house door, and I only had run/walked 3.06 miles, I had to go back and complete it to the 3.11 mark so that I could report back to my accountability coach/son, Emmie, that the run was completed. As Coach Bennet said, “This run is done,” I was unbelievably in front of house number “311 (Wink! Wink!)7.” No coincidence! My footsteps are ordered by God, baby! And this “311” and “117” showing up together was God’s way of saying, ‘Nik, I am always with you! Let’s keep going on the HIGH ROAD!!!!’ Hope you guys join us there, doing everything for the glory of God!!! Amen!