God blows me away with the love and attention He shows me! Like this morning, I went running to my God tree, and this song was the first to play:

“I like you, girl, in particula
You in particula” – Major Lazer

Let me tell ya, I started dancing, feeling God was singing this song directly to me! Fast forward a few minutes later, I’m sitting down on the curb under my God tree at 16 minutes past the hour (and, no, I don’t look at all insane! (SMILE)). I go to page 16 of our family’s website and look what incredibly showed up in an old post there:

“I LIKE YOU GAL IN PARTICULA!” (Wink! Wink!) That was, believe it or not, God singing to me out on my morning run with Him!”

Again, this lined up too perfectly to be some ordinary coincidence! God Himself confirmed His message that He likes me, baby, in particular!!! A huge smile came across my face, and I truly felt like the most loved person in the world.

“Every day is Christmas for us!” is what I told Julie today! God has guided our lives on such a gorgeous path that we can genuinely celebrate like a memorable holiday every day. Those runs every morning in our neighborhood wake me up to all the beauty in my life, like God is saying, ‘Nik, you have so much to appreciate. Look around, look at your life.”

I’m especially enjoying a white Audi Q5 that I felt God wanted me to have after I’ve felt that this car has been a special wink from Him for the past month or so whenever I saw one. However, my husband purchased a white Range Rover for me, saying that was the car he wanted his wife to have, but in my heart, I still wanted a white Q5. Long story short, I ended up returning the Range Rover back to the seller, and I finally got the vehicle that has been special to God and me. I sent hubby a pic of it with a message saying, “Spoilt wifey got the white Audi that she wanted!” (HUGE SMILE)

Speaking of this hubby, though. He is a big part of why we can celebrate every day. I call him “better than best husband” because he goes overboard with his love for his family. We may go through our battles, but in the end, I feel we come through with more love and respect for each other. Go figure! And that’s our testimony to the world on God’s behalf that our families are crucial to Him, and He wants us to stick together. Hubs and I may go through the darkest nights, but we still have this hope that our best days are still out in front of us.

“Let us be very sincere in our dealings with each other and have the courage to accept each other as we are. Do not be surprised at or become occupied with each other’s failure; rather see and find the good in each other, for each one of is created in the image of God.” – Mother Teresa

“Dear Human: You’ve got it all wrong. You didn’t come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and where you’ll return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. MESSY LOVE. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity.”

“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” – 1 John 4:16