That was my little sweetie, Joshie, this morning! I climbed up on his top bunk bed and gave him a big hug and kiss. I’m learning so much from this eleven-year-old son, guys. Like having this joyful, light, playful, funny, genuine, loyal, enthusiastic, kind, and extremely loving personality. I left him calling his dad, and when my husband picked up, he said, “Merry Christmas, Oga Sir,” in this fun Nigerian accent. Let me tell ya, I’m taking lessons from this son regarding his personality, and I tell my other kids to do the same. When my husband called me, I took a line from Joshie’s playbook and said, “Merry Christmas, Better than Best Husband. You’re our gift every day of the year. We’re enjoying this gorgeous life with you!”

Joshie is teaching me to access God’s tact, personality, and charisma, every day, all day! This year, my favorite advice was from my brother, Kevin, who said that the best thing he could tell me was to get closer to God. To make God my top priority! And, boy oh boy, I wasn’t expecting this closeness! Like this morning, I woke up to this old post in my appointment with Him:


Let me tell ya! I’m having the best time listening to Beres Hammond’s song, as if God is singing to me:

“I feel good
When you’re wrapped up in My arms
Dancing to a reggae song
Feel good, feel good
I feel good cause your perfume isn’t loud
That only I can talk about
Feel good, feel good”

God said I should find new ways of enjoying Him, and I’m doing exactly that, imagining that I’m going through my life wrapped up in His arms dancing to a reggae song, with only Him smelling my perfume. (SMILE)”

A few minutes after reading this, my daughter, Ember, came to hug me, and I smelled her perfume. I felt God in my spirit saying, ‘Nik, this is the closeness I want with you. I want you walking through life wrapped up in My arms, with Me smelling your perfume.’ A GOD PERSPECTIVE CHANGES EVERYTHING!!! Life doesn’t get any sweeter than this, knowing you are walking with God in every moment as your constant Helper, Friend, Strategist, Counsel, Protector, and LOVING Father.

On my run with Him today, I pretty much played one song that God went through so much trouble for me to hear waiting in a pharmacy one day. I immediately downloaded it, and it’s even my phone’s ringtone:

“I must make you understand
I want to be your Man” – Zapp and Roger

And He wants to be your Man, too, where you are rolling with and leaning on Him more than ever. Everything we say, everything we do, everywhere we go, learning His voice and listening to Him in the 1,000 decisions we make every day, bringing our Tom Brady (GREATEST OF ALL TIME) mentality with us as we take on being the most extraordinary spouses, parents, and people in our own little worlds.

Please take Kevin’s advice and start seeking God. Then make sure you have alone times with Him reading anything spiritual that makes you feel close to Him and encourages you to stay on the high road, by being your most excellent, courageous, strong, yet gentle, forgiving, and loving self, all for the glory of God. I promise you, the best life is close to Him!!! Wink! Wink! Say this prayer with me, ‘God, I want a closer walk with You! Amen!’