That was my son, Emmie, a short while ago when my daughter, Julie, asked me to take charge of them for today. Having some fun, I replied, “Julie, please don’t leave me with the boys!” But Julie confessed that when she was their age, she hated the annoying mom that showed up, but now, in the long run, she is grateful for a mom who pushed her hard, always to give her best. (HUGE SMILE)

This is exactly how I feel about my relationship with God. The very times I ask Him, ‘Why me?’ turn out to be the very experiences that I need to grow up to become better. In the long run, I see that it was all for my good. Like all the times I ran to my tree this summer venting to Him. Now, I’m thanking Him that I had my heart crushed into a million pieces. I needed the bitter taste of rejection. It brought me to a new level of intimacy with God like Dr. Charles Stanley perfectly summed it up for me today in an appointment with Him. I depended too much on other humans for love, support and approval, while God was sweetly saying, ‘Nik, My love is all you need. Stop looking to other humans for something they cannot give you.’ Now, I’m first and foremost God’s girl. (ANOTHER SMILE)

“Sorry, I have to do God’s work first,” I just said to my son, Emmie. I had just returned from taking some pictures to have our insurance switched from our vehicle for Julie. Just last night, in bringing it home for her, I had two God winks. The first was that I entered the new car at exactly 6:11, and minutes into the drive, God’s spirit took my attention to a license plate on the back of a truck that read “611.” Then it was something we had an argument about earlier in the day that Julie sent me an email trying to defend her position (my future lawyer!). I started reading the email in between waiting for a traffic light, and exactly when I read the words “clinical trial,” the announcer on the radio said “clinical trial. “Julie, this is the vehicle God has picked for you,” I called Julie right away to say. The comfort I feel in putting my precious daughter in is priceless. That God will be her protection as she drives this vehicle.

And that’s what I want you guys to get. That the love and attention I receive from God is far beyond anything I can ever get from this world. His blessings, peace, joy, favor, support, wisdom, strength, and guidance are what I don’t want you to miss out. Make sure you are taking time to have appointments with Him! Then start seeking Him in every moment. Every decision. Every relationship. Wink Wink!



All my running to my God tree every morning has paid off! (HUGE SMILE) I would run there so anxious, frustrated, upset, angry and hurt, and God would find some way to reveal His invisible Presence with me. It could be a conversation with someone that I had the day before or  I’ve even had a simple thought about something that He would use to say, ‘Nik, I’m with you!’ Such love and attention He paid to me that He gave me an entire different perspective on every aspect of my life. This was the post I read this morning under the tree and now I get why He doesn’t mind me having the worst day:


Were the lyrics from Justin Bieber’s song ‘Take It Out on Me,’ that I totally took as a message from God recently after I spent a day upset. The very next day in my appointment with God, these lyrics sweetly showed up from Him:

“Sometimes I don’t mind you havin’ the worst day…

Let your frustrations out right here…

I’m your psychiatrist, let’s talk about it…

I see the weight weighin’ on your shoulders

It’s so heavy

Let me be the meaning of your composure”

And honestly, I didn’t want to tell you guys I had another awful day, but when I thought about how God sweetly shows up for me in my “weak” moments, I can BOAST of my weaknesses, baby! MY GOD IS WITH ME!

When I sat down to talk to Him about all the things weighing your girl here down, this verse showed up in THREE separate places:

“When you go through deep waters,

_ I will be with you.” – Isaiah 43:2_

I smiled with God, instantly reminded that as I do my best in the physical realm, He is fighting on my behalf in the spiritual realm. Wink! Wink!

Then it was a WhatsApp message that my husband forced me to read that got me all sad AGAIN. It was directly talking about the thorn in my side, and it even referred to it as a “thorn in the side!” I said to God, “NOT FUNNY!” This is an issue that I’ve begged God to take away from me, but yesterday God was my therapist, and we talked about this thorn. Between my meditation books, our family’s website, werollwithgod.com, and Tumblr.com, here’s what He had to say:

Firstly, He said that I should thank Him for any persistent problems in my life. I should go as far as being friends with them! Remembering that He can fit everything into a pattern for good. To be honest, this problem has been a friend because it has taken me closer to God than anything else. I go running to Him for His guidance, and He is always there for me, just like He was yesterday, to give me His perspective, and crucially reminding me that He is with me through all the struggles and challenges that come my way! That’s faith!

Then, God asked me to share the lessons that I’ve been learning from dealing with this issue with you guys, and there have been LOTS! Like this one from the WhatsApp message:

“My Personal Opinion

Value your ‘imperfect’ marriage (Like God tells me, ain’t nothing perfect, girl!)… Don’t compare your partner to celebrities who project a perfect marriage or relationship… Every marriage has a secret tiny ‘demon’ and many angels…. Focus on the angelic aspect and continue to pray against the tiny demon… The tiny demon is usually what Paul described as a Thorn in the flesh… It is usually hidden, tiny but present. But if you focus on the angels in the relationship, you will only use divorce to fool governments and systems.”

That’s exactly what I do in all my relationships, I focus on the angelic qualities of others and myself, and not the demons that are present in us all. Prayer and Patience go hand in hand!

Thanks, My Therapist (God)! You have led my life on a very beautiful path that I can even BOAST of my weaknesses!!!

WEROLLWITHGOD.COM #faith #God #love


I questioned myself yesterday. So, I took the matter to Mr. Google to ask the significance of this “311” showing up for me, and I got the confirmation I was looking for:

“The angels are reminding you that you are loved, cherished, supported, and surrounded with positivity and good vibes…Follow your instincts and listen to your heart for great success and happy life.” – subconsciousservant.com

Honestly, I feel like the most loved person by God ever that I get on my knees every night only to say thanks to Him. No matter how demanding or stressful the day, I know He has a plan, purpose, and a reason for everything, including my anxieties, disappointments, hurts, frustrations, challenges, and problems. They are all there to make me better, wiser, happier, stronger, braver, and more loving.

That’s the conversation I had with my daughter, Julie, yesterday. I said how I’m so much more joyful and peaceful out on my runs every day now compared to only a month ago. I would run to my God tree so bitter, angry, anxious, frustrated, and hurt. But every time I go there and take time to hear what God had to say to me, I return home a little bit better. He told me His heart is a hospital for me. That I should vent to Him and to others, I should learn silence.

That “$3.11” showing up on a gas station sign across from our business, minutes after a customer’s insurance payment came to $311 was God’s way of showing up when I wanted to go crazy and lose it on my husband one day (crazy wife here!). It was God perfectly reminding me what He had been teaching me about being silent and venting to Him. And to be very honest with you, a month later, I’m so happy I took God’s advice. Hubby is back to being my gift from God. I told him next to God that he and my mom were the best things that ever happened to me. (HUGE SMILE)

So much so that I’m here to tell you a God-guided life is the best life. Yes, we still go through our dark times, but He is there with us, helping us come out the other side with joy and peace that we can never get from the world. Today, I found a book out with hubby that said, “Don’t say, “God is in my heart.” Say, “I am in the heart of God.”” That’s where I try to live my life, in God’s heart, where His love, approval, protection, support, favor, wisdom, and kindness are always available to me. God exceeds my expectations. Don’t miss out. Make sure you have your alone times with God asking what he has to say to you. That’s the best gift you can ever give yourself, time alone with God. Wink! Wink!



That was from our nephew, Gbenga, who stayed with us for the past month or so. My immediate response was, ‘Ha! Trust me; we have plenty of problems! But the crazy thing is that those troubles and challenges end up bringing us closer with more love and respect for each other. That’s because we have made God the center of our marriage, making decisions by constantly asking, ‘God, what would you have us to do here?”

Fast forward to our Sunday brunch conversation today; hubby and I shared with him some of the Godly values and principles that are seriously working for us:


Both hubs and I go the extra mile in showing each other love and support. No breaking up over here! Whatever we have to go through, we’ll go through it TOGETHER. I keep asking Gbenga, “Are you taking notes?” because I want him to see my husband in action the way he goes overboard in his responsibilities as a husband, dad, and businessman. He exceeds our expectations!

I cried talking to my daughter, Ember, yesterday because she is such a fine example of this love and loyalty. It’s so important to have a strong team of people to love and support you because this life gets hard. We need one another to make life lighter, happier, and more bearable when it gets difficult. Cherish the people who are there for you, and you be there for them, too. Wear love and loyalty around your neck! Accept that we all have strengths and weaknesses, but we must keep forgiving and going overboard in love!


We believe that every blessing is ultimately from God, and when we try to live lives that are honoring to God, He is the One to bless us. This is how He lovingly guides us on the path He has planned out for us. “Work hard and cheerfully as something done for God, not for human masters.”

Yesterday we had a situation at our office, and I said to our manager, “Let’s honor God by staying on the high road with Him. He will make this up to us.” Not that we get it right all the time, but we learn the lessons and try to improve.


I told Gbenga when God told my husband to start doing business in Nigeria and leave me and the kids in the US, I was not in on that conversation! However, the conversation God had with me was that I should let my husband go and do his thing! I held my husband with open hands, supported him by holding down the fort in the US, and those decisions turned out to be great for us.

Make God your Leader! Don’t ask God to follow your decisions, ask God that you follow wherever He leads you. Amen!



I questioned myself yesterday. So, I took the matter to Mr. Google to ask the significance of this “311” showing up for me, and I got the confirmation I was looking for:

“The angels are reminding you that you are loved, cherished, supported, and surrounded with positivity and good vibes…Follow your instincts and listen to your heart for great success and happy life.” – subconsciousservant.com

Honestly, I feel like the most loved person by God ever that I get on my knees every night only to say thanks to Him. No matter how demanding or stressful the day, I know He has a plan, purpose, and a reason for everything, including my anxieties, disappointments, hurts, frustrations, challenges, and problems. They are all there to make me better, wiser, happier, stronger, braver, and more loving.

That’s the conversation I had with my daughter, Julie, yesterday. I said how I’m so much more joyful and peaceful out on my runs every day now compared to only a month ago. I would run to my God tree so bitter, angry, anxious, frustrated, and hurt. But every time I go there and take time to hear what God had to say to me, I return home a little bit better. He told me His heart is a hospital for me. That I should vent to Him and to others, I should learn silence.

That “$3.11” showing up on a gas station sign across from our business, minutes after a customer’s insurance payment came to $311 was God’s way of showing up when I wanted to go crazy and lose it on my husband one day (crazy wife here!). It was God perfectly reminding me what He had been teaching me about being silent and venting to Him. And to be very honest with you, a month later, I’m so happy I took God’s advice. Hubby is back to being my gift from God. I told him next to God that he and my mom were the best things that ever happened to me. (HUGE SMILE)

So much so that I’m here to tell you a God-guided life is the best life. Yes, we still go through our dark times, but He is there with us, helping us come out the other side with joy and peace that we can never get from the world. Today, I found a book out with hubby that said, “Don’t say, “God is in my heart.” Say, “I am in the heart of God.”” That’s where I try to live my life, in God’s heart, where His love, approval, protection, support, favor, wisdom, and kindness are always available to me. God exceeds my expectations. Don’t miss out. Make sure you have your alone times with God asking what he has to say to you. That’s the best gift you can ever give yourself, time alone with God. Wink! Wink!