I questioned myself yesterday. So, I took the matter to Mr. Google to ask the significance of this “311” showing up for me, and I got the confirmation I was looking for:

“The angels are reminding you that you are loved, cherished, supported, and surrounded with positivity and good vibes…Follow your instincts and listen to your heart for great success and happy life.” –

Honestly, I feel like the most loved person by God ever that I get on my knees every night only to say thanks to Him. No matter how demanding or stressful the day, I know He has a plan, purpose, and a reason for everything, including my anxieties, disappointments, hurts, frustrations, challenges, and problems. They are all there to make me better, wiser, happier, stronger, braver, and more loving.

That’s the conversation I had with my daughter, Julie, yesterday. I said how I’m so much more joyful and peaceful out on my runs every day now compared to only a month ago. I would run to my God tree so bitter, angry, anxious, frustrated, and hurt. But every time I go there and take time to hear what God had to say to me, I return home a little bit better. He told me His heart is a hospital for me. That I should vent to Him and to others, I should learn silence.

That “$3.11” showing up on a gas station sign across from our business, minutes after a customer’s insurance payment came to $311 was God’s way of showing up when I wanted to go crazy and lose it on my husband one day (crazy wife here!). It was God perfectly reminding me what He had been teaching me about being silent and venting to Him. And to be very honest with you, a month later, I’m so happy I took God’s advice. Hubby is back to being my gift from God. I told him next to God that he and my mom were the best things that ever happened to me. (HUGE SMILE)

So much so that I’m here to tell you a God-guided life is the best life. Yes, we still go through our dark times, but He is there with us, helping us come out the other side with joy and peace that we can never get from the world. Today, I found a book out with hubby that said, “Don’t say, “God is in my heart.” Say, “I am in the heart of God.”” That’s where I try to live my life, in God’s heart, where His love, approval, protection, support, favor, wisdom, and kindness are always available to me. God exceeds my expectations. Don’t miss out. Make sure you have your alone times with God asking what he has to say to you. That’s the best gift you can ever give yourself, time alone with God. Wink! Wink!