My God winks are when out of the blue everything lines up perfectly and God wonderfully reminds me that His unseen Presence is a constant in my life – ‘Relax, Nik, I’m with you,’ is the message I get over and over again from Him. The post yesterday started and began with this blessing I received from Facebook:

“May God bless u and grant u ur heart desire.”

Fast forward to that evening, I sat down in my kitchen, taking a break from a day of puttering around the house and rearranging furniture, I received a WhatsApp message from someone and because they were not in my contact list, I had the option to report and block the person, but I got a feeling to read it and it said, “It’s Friday…Hope you have a great weekend.” I thought that was sweet of them and I decided to read some more messages from this person that were sent before, but I had never opened. The words from the fifth message up, sent from April 3 – almost two months ago, got my attention, as it unbelievably read:

“… the Desires of your Heart will be granted.”

The very day I write, “I feel God is behind the scenes of my life granting me these heart desires,” I get confirmation from Him, from someone I don’t even know! Call it a coincident, but I’m taking it as a special God wink!

And speaking of my house, I complained a lot about it yesterday, feeling incredibly overwhelmed by so many home improvements projects I need to take on with it, and just before going to sleep last night, I got another wink from God in reading Marianne Williamson’s book, ‘A Year of Miracles:’

“Think something isn’t good enough, and it never will be. Think something is wonderful, and it will only get better.

So thoughts like this are miraculous thoughts: I give thanks for this chair, for this table, for this wall.

I remember with compassion those who do not have such simple amenities, and I pray they will receive what they need. I surrender myself, that I might be used in bringing the end of suffering to all the world.”

Now what did such thoughts just do for you? Not for others, but for you?

They established you within a different corner of the universe. You moved from someone with a slightly open heart to someone with a more fully opened heart. And the more open your heart, the more miracles you’ll receive.”

New Nikki after that: Thank You, God, for my beautiful house!



I never got the Bible verse that commands us to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind,” but after almost 4 years of writing these God posts, I get it!  Big time!  Every day I love Him more and more!

In every aspect of my life, He’s right there with me helping and guiding me to make the best decisions.  Last night, my wonderful daughter, Ember, who I bragged about in a post a few days ago, turned on me, venting to her Dad over a dress I didn’t have made for her.  In that moment I went to my meditation book and randomly opened it to the chapter where God told me that I should be patient with bearing the defects of others.  This morning she apologized and I kissed her and said all teary eyed, “It’s Ok, God said I should be patient with you and the same way you have to be patient with me, because not all the time I may get this parenting thing right.”

We hung out with a friend yesterday and when we were leaving I said to her, “Just being around you, I’m happy.”  This person out of now 180 million Nigerians, God has connected me with her and every time I’m around her, I leave a better person.

I also shopped for cushions yesterday for our house and even that was a conversation with God.  I went with my feelings as which ones to get, and the ones that excited me were the same colors in the flag of the Bahamas, with the beautiful aquamarine reminding me of the beautiful beaches I grew up swimming in.  I woke up today, feeling unbelievable grateful for the home I live in.  (This is a miracle!)

I didn’t go to work much this week and I’m thinking of all the people God sent me to help me there.  Each member of the team I work closest with, I believe were picked for me by God, as again I went with my feelings of whether or not to hire them.  I teach them that they don’t work for me, they work for God and I’m especially happy for one of them who lives very far away, but yet comes to work on time with a super great attitude.  I train them that our job is to assist my hubby and she has done such a great job that my husband decided to give her a lovely, three bedroom, three bathroom apartment to stay in, which is within walking distance to work.

“Lord, even though I love you…don’t trust me!  Bind me to yourself, more closely every day!”



was the beautiful blessing I received on Facebook yesterday and I feel God is behind the scenes of my life granting me these heart desires.  Today is a holiday in Nigeria, as the newly elected President takes control of the country, and I decided to give my daughters and myself hot oil treatments and as I took my time doing Ember’s hair, I’ve realized how God has helped me, even with my relationship with her, that seemed to be going way off track a few months ago.  I’ll never get over God, only the Creator of the universe, how He is so intimately involved in our lives.  He’s on our side guiding us with His counsel and when we stick with Him, little by little He will help us get things on the right track again, no matter the challenge area, He’s an expert in everything, including parenting.

I have a feeling God was behind us going with this natural hair, without using chemicals to straighten it for about a year now, which is lots more work, but it has brought my daughters and I closer together.  We just decided one day to give it a try and it forces us to spend time with each other with mommy being the official hairdresser!  Thanks, God, I’m loving my daughters on a completely different level!

The lessons from God with Ember, who’s 12 by the way, has been to calm down as a Tiger mom, focus on her positives, to be her biggest encourager and inspire her to be her best self, to be patient with her when she messes up and most importantly to show and tell her how much I love her and how proud I am of her.

But this post is to remind you how if we stay in touch with God, I’m talking constant conversations with Him, he can help fix any problem area in our life, little by little, and in this case He has helped me get closer to my daughter.  My appointments with Him have made me a better parent as I’m filling myself with God’s wisdom each time I have an alone time with Him.  “Prayer is when you talk to God.  Meditation is when God talks to you.”  Sometimes only for 2 minutes, I open my meditation books in the mornings and at 12 pm and 5 pm and I’m amazed how God seems to speak directly to what is going on in my head at the moment, or I’ll pick up some other piece of excellent wisdom to use in a future decision.  He’s too much!  These appointments are the bomb!

“May God bless u and grant u ur heart desire.”



Yesterday in listening to Rob Bell’s weekly podcast on iTunes.com, he spoke about offering certain moments of our lives as sacrifices to God, such as a marriage of many years that didn’t work out, and that totally blew the God maniac away!  I was left so inspired that I said I want my entire life to be a sacrifice to God, every sacred moment of it!  Whether I’m writing these posts and posting them, whether I’m at work and assisting my husband, whether I’m helping someone in need, whether I’m getting water for my son Joshie at 2 am in the morning, all of it will be my sacrifice to God to be the best wife, mother and person I can be for Him.  I therefore need nothing in return from anyone, including their thanks or praise.  Wow, I’m free!  Everything is really between me and God!


I joked with someone yesterday on something I’m doing for God and that when I’m finished with it, God and I will be even because of the stress I’m going through!  But, it’s impossible for me to ever be even with God who does more for me in one minute than I can count: Every breathe, every heartbeat, being able to sit and type this, our baby, Joshie, turning 5 today and much, much more!


My 11 year old daughter, Jujupooh, joined me in an appointment with God this week and the selection she picked was spot on for me in that moment.  Someone asked me for help and I thought about the reasons why I shouldn’t until Julie read the following from my meditation book, ‘A Year of Miracles’ by Marianne Williamson:


“My doubt, fear, negativity, and judgment have destructive power.  My faith, love, positivity, and blessing have miraculous power.  I will use my power wisely today.


Sometimes it’s just and encouraging word, a tender touch, or a friendly smile that can bring hope to someone’s heart.  Such moments represent God’s love on earth.  I will be His representative today, as I try my best to bring hope to any circumstance.


Wherever I go may there be more love and peace because I’m there.  May my mind be ever alert to ways I can ease the path for someone.  Dear God, please save me from a life lived only for myself.”


And from a beautiful calendar from a beautiful friend:


“Blessed are you if you can live each day in such a way that you can say at its close, “I have done the best I could today for both God and man.”




is the question I’ve been asking Him since the God wink with my purse showing up in the TV show ‘Empire’ last Saturday.  In case you’re not familiar with my God winks, they’re as Oprah Winfrey describes them, “When out of the blue everything lines up perfectly.”  And this was a little bit too perfectly lined up for me to have a purse in my closet for almost a year and every time I would think about using it, I would get a feeling not to, and I would put it back.  Then last Saturday, two days after I finally got the feeling to bring it down, I’m out somewhere with a friend and I asked her, “Do you remember when you bought this purse for me last summer?”  A few hours later, we’re together watching this show that of all episodes that we had been watching for about a month, the character, ‘Anika’ stands in front of a car holding this purse for a few seconds so that we can see clearly that out of the millions of purses in the world, she is holding my exact purse (different color).

Well, God answered me as to why He went through all that trouble!  Firstly in a post in Facebook that read:

“I am not afraid of tomorrow because I know God is already there.”

God is constantly teaching me to RELAX and that He holds every moment of my life in the palms of His hands. He knew I would be asking my friend that question that day and that we would be watching that very episode a few hours later. He has demonstrated over and over again that I can trust that He has everything under control and everything and everyone I need will be there when I need them.  Nik, RELAX, I got you!

The second reason I read in my meditation book at my 12pm appointment with God yesterday:

“I want you to experience how wide and long and high and deep is My love for you, so that you can know my love that surpasses knowledge.  This vast ocean of Love cannot be measured or explained, but it can be experienced.”

And these messages are not only for me, they’re for you too, I’m only the God maniac who pays attention to this stuff! God has every moment of our lives all mapped and planned out and we can trust Him because His love for us is wide and long and high and deep and His plans for us are good! 



I screamed on the drive to drop the kids off to school yesterday morning!  Our Jujupooh sat in the front seat crying, upset at her Dad, and he was at home upset at her and I asked the kids, “What’s the lesson we can learn from this?”  The car went unusually silent as none of them could think of any lessons, until Joshie, my soon to be 5 year old, says very quietly, “Forgive.”  That made the God maniac/mommy super happy to know that my son at such a young age is already learning this important lesson which I’m still trying to master at 41!  I explained to them that no one is perfect and oftentimes we have to be quick to overlook the faults of others and focus on their positives instead and their Dad has so many positives they can focus on!  Great job, Joshie!

“That friend of ours with no false humility used to say:  “I haven’t needed to learn how to forgive, because the Lord has taught me how to love.”

I would love to get here where I don’t need to learn how to forgive because God has taught me to love.  But, I’m getting closer, though, and last week I called my hubby and said to him, “It’s like I’m falling in love with you all over again.”  He then replied, “Ok, what do you want?” LOL!  It’s like I’m seeing him in a whole different light.  And not just him, everyone.  Some close friends I hung out with on Saturday, I couldn’t stop telling them how blessed I feel to have them in my life.  My kids, I can’t stop kissing them and telling them how much I love them.  I went to sleep snuggled between my two sons who were thrilled to be sleeping next to mommy and I thanked God for this beautiful life He has blessed me with.  Yesterday, I took some time to tell my assistants at work how much I appreciate them and there would probably be no posts if God didn’t bring them in to help me help my hubby.

LOVE YOUR ENEMIES!  Everything is between us and God!  There is no need to forgive when we learn how to love. Besides, everything that is done with the intent to harm us, God multiplies it hundreds fold for our good!





This is the best life with Him as our Partner and Guide, where He seems to hand pick the best people to surround us, like my sister Kelly who took her vacation time to be with me after 3 out of 4 C-sections.  After writing to her that she rocks, she wrote the following back to me:

“No Nik. I was the one touched and moved by your outpouring of love. You really moved me to tears yesterday. You’re the one who rocks!!!! You set the bar high with the trail you blaze through your outpouring of love and your guidance and reminders of who and whose we are. You have life figured out. I promise you, because of who you are, you cause me to aspire to be a better person every day.

Keep on spreading God’s word and His love sister. It’s an eye opener as to how people see you and the impact we have on others unknowingly. That’s a sure sign that it is from the heart. I am happy that we have such positive influences over each other my love. Let’s continue to let our lights shine that people may see our Father in us so that they too will aspire to do His will.

I would never guess you would have had low self esteem….you were always so positive and upbeat …..and still are today. It was a lovely reminder about the lunch…..I had forgotten ….you’ve brought back wonderful memories. Lol. You were my little doll!!! I learned how to sew from making little things for you. Lol

Love you Nik.”

Kelly, your light shines brightly and you’ve inspired me yet again to be my best and most loving self!  Love you!

Are you going to let your light shine?  “You and I do have a choice—whether to be neurotic or wise, harsh or gentle, blaming or forgiving.  And the choice we make then determines not only who we will be in the world but also the experiences we will have here.”

“No sacrifice is unseen or forgotten by God. One day, all will be repaid.”



This was the striking message I got from tumblr.com, where I go to hear from God.  And God is really greater than anything we may ever face!  This morning I woke up thinking about someone who I KNOW God arranged to help my hubby and I with a challenge we faced last year.  In a business dinner conversation, someone casually mentioned that we should do a Google search to find someone who could help us in a very specific area.  I did this the next day and the first person I contacted agreed to meet us in his office for a free consultation.  He ended up spending 3 hours with us for free and that time with him helped to answer so many questions I had in my mind in regards to this problem.


In the meeting, he sensed I was a bit anxious and the words he said I will never forget:  FEAR NO ONE!  As soon as he said that I calmed down, like I was hearing directly from God.


“I have told you these things, so that in Me (God) you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]” John 16:33 Amplified Bible (AMP)


Maybe a week after meeting with him, I needed to ask him another question and shortly after sending him an email on a Saturday he gave me his cell number to call him.  He again blew me away when he said that a certain point, when we’ve done all that we can do, we have to just turn things over to God.  I did exactly that and I remember saying to God, “I’m turning this matter over to You.’  Everything worked out beautifully!


I’ll never forget that Christmas we begged my hubby for us to travel and he kept saying no.  At the very last minute he agreed and we flew from Nigeria to the US, where I was able to meet this gentleman and finally resolve this issue that was pending for months!


Greater is He.






I called her to wish her a happy birthday yesterday, shortly after leaving a memorial service for a friend’s sister, and I told her that I don’t want to sing her praises at her funeral, but now when she’s around to hear it, and I got special permission to write this post about her today.


“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach…”

What can you say to someone who has been your sister/mother, encourager, friend, confidant, counselor and so much more?  As I think about everything you have done and been for me, my eyes are filled with tears.  I loved spending weekends with you as a little girl because you would always make me special lunches to go to school with on Mondays and still give me lunch money!  I’ll never forget that Saturday you took me to St. Michael’s to buy my first bra.  I’ll always cherish the times you took your vacation to come and be with me after my C-sections and we still use the jug you bought to fill with water for me to keep in my bedroom, so that I didn’t have to go far if I got thirsty.  Every conversation, every interaction with you has been sacred and they’ve formed such a big part of who I am.

Looking back to a period where I had very, very low self-esteem, you were the one who got me holding my head high again.  I needed your encouragement so badly then.  I’ll never forget our summer in London and our adventure day to the Olympics where we used my iPhone to direct us by foot, bus and train, spending time and enjoying the food at the Bahamian Embassy there.

Our days together in New York will never be forgotten either, especially our favorite Chinese food!  Oh, and I can’t forget about how you’ve inspired me to be the best mother!  Like I told you yesterday, I’m following in your footsteps and I’m super proud of your sons, Taurel and Justin.  You’re my hero!

And you’ve inspired the toughness in me!  With a husband who can be a bully at times you’ve taught me to choose my battles and I do!  I called you one night when someone was giving me a hard time and you said, “CALL THE POLICE!” which was the perfect advice!  And you always have the perfect advice, my wise sister!  Thank you for all the times you’ve been there for me to help me through work, parenting and so many other challenges that have come my way.  I can’t forget to mention, after hearing you go on and on and on about your natural hair last summer, the girls (my daughters) and I got on board with you and WE LOVE OUR NATURAL HAIR!  It has created a special bond between us with Sundays becoming our official hair conditioning day!

“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach…”

God, I’m exceedingly grateful for my big sister, Kelly!



said the Chinese delivery guy to me yesterday!  “Are you saying that to get a bigger tip?” I jokingly responded!  Knowing me, that also was a God wink, because I was just thinking to myself how much I love my yard too!  I replaced about 50 plants recently that line the path to our front door and they lift my spirit every time I see them!


“ARE YOU FULLY LOVING EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFE?” is my big question to you today?  These little plants, that I’ve fallen in love with, are teaching me to be more appreciative of everything, including the little things in my life that I would usually take for granted!  I want to suck as much from every moment!  A few minutes ago, I hung up the phone from speaking to a friend in Nigeria and only a few minutes of talking to her were so special and this morning my mom and sister surprised me with a three way call from the Bahamas and every second was priceless-LOVE YOU, GUYS!!!!!


“I go 0 to 100, real quick” was the Drake song I blasted in my car this week driving to work!  I cherish these drives, where I have the best time singing to myself!  And I’m really enjoying the clouds lately, as I drive, for some reason, admiring how beautiful they are!


Instead of a usual, boring “good morning” to my Jujupooh, my ten year old, I instead gave her the biggest hug, even taking time to smell her and tell her how much I love my baby girl!


Let’s live our bestest lives, loving fully everyone and everything!  Thanks Oprah Winfrey and Paulo Coelho for this excellent question today!  I’m also loving Super Soul Sundays on OWN!