I loved this from my friend, Lisa, who I wrote about yesterday. Honestly, I’m in Nigeria, but God had me to contact her in Florida to remind her about her appointments with Him. The first day I contacted her I wrote in an email, “Don’t know why you came to mind today!” but after reading her reaction to my post yesterday about these so important alone times with Him, I now know. As you will read, she was missing God and God confirmed He was missing her too. Here’s what she wrote:

“Nikki you just don’t know how much you confirmed what I experienced this morning! I injured my calf in March and this week was my first back working out in six weeks. Sometimes while working out I listen to my praise and worship playlist – it’s either that or old school hip hop (two totally different extremes), but I digress

However, this morning I got lost in the praise and worship and forgot I was in the gym. The spirit over took my entire being. I began shaking my head and waving my arms at how good HE has been to me while on the Stairmaster!!! I went into the sauna after my cardio – still listening to praise and worship. It struck me again and tears began to form. I realized that THIS was my personal time with God that I had been missing for the past 6 weeks and even more.

I would get so caught up in praising him that I forget I’m working out. I also use time in the sauna to meditate and ask that he order my steps for the day! I have been lacking this guidance lately and have felt like I’ve been a rut. I’m always tired no matter how much sleep I get, and last night I even started questioning if I was experiencing mild depression. BUT the devil is a liar!

For you to remind me about the book on my personal time with God yesterday, and for me to make that connection this morning – while not realizing your post was about me… All I can say is MY GOD!

Thank you for the confirmation I needed that no matter how crazy things are I MUST have time with Him each and everyday.

Continued blessings my sister ”

I don’t think I’ll ever get over how God loves each and every one of us. For Him to put it on my spirit all the way in Nigeria that something was up with Lisa and that I should contact her just blew this God maniac away yesterday.



This was a message from a friend, Lisa, yesterday. I met her in Starbucks years ago when they strangely told me I had to wait to get my coffee. Then the next thing I knew, Lisa showed up waiting in line behind me. This was definitely one of those God planned meetings. She wanted the exact drink I wanted and as I offered to pay for hers she said, “I wanted to pay for you.” I paid for hers and she then offered to pay for the person behind her!

But this is not a post about kindness today. When I saw Lisa again in Starbucks she complained that her life was hectic and she told me about some other personal issues going on with her. I asked her if I could get her a copy of my meditation book, Jesus Calling, and I rushed to the book section of Target to get a copy for her and I encouraged her to have appointments/alone times with God.

Yesterday I started thinking about her and I sent her an email to say hi. Apparently she’d forgotten all about that book! But no love lost, my Lisa! I get it that life can be so full that we get so distracted from the most important thing – a relationship with God. I plead with you, my peeps, don’t miss out on the most important conversation with your Creator and Father.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

God’s plans for our lives are real good! But how do we tap into those plans if we let TV, the internet and busy schedules distract us from discussing them with Him?

You’ve heard all my stories of how God has changed every aspect of my life through my appointments with Him. Everything seems to just get better and better every day with Him. The lessons He’s teaching me are off the chain like how to be a better wife, mother and person. I wake up excited every day to see what He has in store for me. And even the bad days turn out to be good days because there are always lots of lessons in them to take me to higher and higher levels of peace, joy and happiness.

I have several meditation books that I usually read and just yesterday alone, I picked up two important lessons in my alone time with Him– being more merciful and laughing more.

Don’t miss out, take some time every day to seek God and as you seek Him you’ll find Him and I promise you, your life will never be the same again.



I’ve been feeling a little guilty about my last post about the lady who twisted around some stuff I shared with her to cause trouble for me. Who am I to judge anyone? We’re all sinners, which means we constantly miss the mark and mess up. Today I want to encourage us to pray for each other, even the people who we feel have done us wrong, constantly forgiving them and especially ourselves when we don’t quite get it right either. These posts are about a closer walk with God and remembering Him in every moment and what He would have us to do and I feel He loves it when we’re more about going the extra mile to help each other, not hurt each other.

“Nikki So Annoying,” is what my daughter called me the other day. And I guess a lot of people would agree with her when they see my blog posts. Someone suggested I not write them EVERY DAY, but with all the evil in the world, I feel I get a chance to put some good out there, hopefully a smile on someone’s face, to remind them that they’re not carrying their burdens alone and that God is our faithful Partner and Helper on this sometimes difficult life journey.

“Life is more than selling shoes,” is a quote I love from clothing designer, Kenneth Cole. Instead of pulling one another down, let’s make God happy by pulling each other up. I believe this is the way to a closer walk with God, asking Him, “How may I partner with You in making the world a better place for everyone?”

I totally agree with Mother Teresa who said:

“And today God keeps on loving the world. He keeps on sending you and me to prove that He loves the world, that He still has that compassion for the world. It is we who have to be His love, His compassion in the world today.”

In every moment, every example and in every experience, can we be God’s representatives and instead of judging let’s go overboard with spreading His LOVE in the world?

Don’t underestimate the role you play on this planet. Without you, the world would not exist in the exact way it does.
— Nick Susi




Was a comment I loved yesterday. I hope you’re getting this important message that God is our Partner in every aspect of our lives. I got a chance on Saturday to have some time with a 22-year-old young lady who reads my blog posts and she made me so happy. As she fought to hold back tears, she told me how I’ve inspired her and that she has learned to RELAX and to trust God, that He’s her protection.

I still can’t get over how I have an important deadline to meet in the U.S. this month and the perfect person just happened to show up out of the blue to assist me. And this is something that happens over and over again, whenever I face a challenging situation, the perfect people show up to assist me or the perfect solutions pop into my head and I’m like, “Wow, God, You’re too much!” He directs me one step at a time through any and everything that comes my way!

“Why does God allow bad things to happen?” was the title of an article I read. I truly believe God uses every experience for our good, to grow us up, strengthen us, teach us. Nothing comes to us unless it passes through God’s loving hands first. The article spoke about Joseph in the Bible who was sold into slavery by his brothers and he said to them:

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (Genesis 50:20

And no matter the challenge that has come my way, God has used them for my good. Even the “bad” people he sends into my life, he uses them to sharpen me and push me to excel and go higher.

We can live the best lives with God! Bad things will come our way (in this life you will have trouble!), but once we decide to stay on the high road with God, loving extravagantly, forgiving endlessly, doing our best with what He asks us to do, He will fight our battles for us.

Praying continually is my new strategy. Whenever I’m tempted to worry about anything, I say a simple short prayer asking God for His supernatural help and I leave the battle with Him. I trust Him completely because of the many, many times He has proven that He indeed is my faithful Helper. Like I wrote yesterday, we don’t pray enough! Let’s tap into this abundance of power we have available to us.



Ain’t that the truth! From one to the next, it seems as if negativity can come at us from every direction. Here’s the trick:


That’s the super big challenge of our lives. No matter the negativity that comes our way, we have to pause and ask God, “What would you have me to do here?” Doing your best to stay on the high road with Him, being your most loving and forgiving self or otherwise we’ll be dragged down the road of negativity. And let me tell ya, it’s not worth it, not even for a minute.

When you stay on the high road with God, surrendering people and events over to Him, you can go on enjoying the good life. You have to shake off the disappoints immediately, learning to quickly overlook and ignore. Trust me, no one gets away, God knows what He’s doing with each and every one of us.

“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” THIS IS THE WAY TO THE BEST LIFE WITH GOD! God is “a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” In fact, I say go overboard in doing good. In every moment, every example and every experience, bring God in, seeking Him and asking Him to guide your actions and watch how He overwhelms your life with goodness.

I feel like when I have a problem, the whole universe conspires to help me. Like solutions pop in my head, people show up to assist me and things seem to go in my favor. “That was the God wink of the day!” said someone who just showed up to help us with an issue. I had told someone that we should call her and the person responded, “She’s here right now!” She had miraculously shown up on her own. How the heck did that happen? Then as she’s working on the issue, she too was astonished when something worked out incredibly better than expected. That’s my God, always helping me out!

So my guys, don’t focus on the negativity, focus on God who will keep us on the right track to the best life. Don’t let the haters distract us and take us down the road to hell! We’ve all travelled that road before. The road to heaven is much more enjoyable.

Like my sweet sister always says, “When you know better, you do better!” Constantly catch yourself in the midst of the negativity and ask God for His direction to get through. Everything is between us and God.



I said to someone yesterday. It was a challenge that came up where once again God proved He’s my faithful Helper and Partner. I did what I always write about. I paid attention to my feelings/gut/spirit/intuition as to what God would have me to do. Ideas came to mind and I followed the ones I felt were directions from Him, doing my best with them, taking it one step at a time and importantly, leaving the rest with Him. No more getting overwhelmed or fearful, I had Godfidence, that He was on my side helping me to resolve this issue.

That’s why I say this is not even Good News that I write about, it’s Great News! How extraordinary is that? The Creator of the sun and moon also is deeply involved in our lives and cares about us and our “little” problems. Like I always write, there will always be trouble, but with God on our side directing us and helping us, what is there to worry about?

I love a post I came across:


I will lift up my eyes to the hills
From whence comes my help?

Father, today I choose to lift my eyes off my circumstances and look to You. Show me Your way that I may walk with You on the path to victory all the days of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen. Amen.”

Our help comes from the Lord! Keeping our eyes fixed on God and not looking to this world is the big challenge. That’s why I encourage the appointments/alone times with Him where you’re doing something that builds your faith. For me it’s reading my meditation books, posts from Tumblr.com, or listening to spiritual podcasts from iTunes.com (they’re free!) and every time I have one, I’m reminded that I’m never alone and God is with me and for me.

An important post I read from Tumblr.com yesterday, encouraged me to go even deeper with Him:

“Work on yourself. Read. Study. Listen. Pray. Meditate on scriptures till they’re a part of you. You can only know the truth if you want it enough. Seek it out for yourself. It does take effort. Time is not wasted when you spend it with God. Invest in knowing God more.”

And just knowing I have God as my faithful Back-up no matter what comes my way brings me such peace. Not a moment has been wasted in my alone times with Him. I’ve learned His voice and I can therefore have all the Godfidence in the world.



I said to a friend yesterday. We joked how we can have an appointment with God one minute and feel so strong and motivated, then the moment it’s over, the negativity of the world can come at us and pull us right back down again. I truly can understand why depression rates are increasing, because this life is not always easy!

The big challenge for us is to bring the appointments with God into our daily lives, remembering Him in every moment and allowing Him to fully participate and be totally involved in our everyday ordinary lives. For example, I was so proud of myself when some tough words came my way and instead of getting upset and arguing back, I reminded myself that many things I should turn a deaf ear to and to leave this person to their opinion. Woohoo! Going to God in that moment asking what He would have me to do, stopped me from letting the conversation ruin my day, which it could have easily done.

This morning I got the nudge from Him to read a devotional given to me by a special friend, who not only enriches me with her presence and wisdom, but also by the books and calendars she gives me and has around her. This story from over 2,000 years ago can bring such peace to our lives today if we bring God with us into every moment, trusting Him with all our hearts and reminded that in those fearful moments, we can hold on tightly to His hands as He says, ‘Do not be afraid’:

“The disciples of Jesus were in the boat sailing to Capernaum and it was already dark. Our life in this world is like sailing on the sea of life. There are times it gets dark in our lives when we are faced with trials and temptations. The gospel tells us that the wind was strong and the sea was getting rough. Life could be really rough sometimes when everything seems to be going in the wrong direction for us. It was at that time the disciples saw Jesus coming towards them walking on the sea and He said to them ‘It is I, do not be afraid’. By walking on the sea Jesus demonstrates to us that He is greater than all problems and bigger than any situation in our lives. After meeting Jesus, the disciples reached the shore safely. Jesus (God) will calm all our fears and worries only if we trust in Him, for He says to us today ‘It is I, do not be afraid’.



Was my advice to a friend who called me early this morning to check up on me. I know she’s been missing my calls fussing her out to not be so laid back about a situation she’s dealing with. In this life you will have trouble! Don’t expect everything to be all rosy and wonderful all the time. Unfair things and challenges will always be a part of life, but we have to be strong and courageous and filled to the brim with Godfidence, knowing we’re never alone and He has our backs.

Easier said than done, right? But that’s what these posts are about, building our faith in God. I’ll forever quote my fav Bible verses, Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV):

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.”

And sometimes those paths where He leads us can be quite difficult. Those are the times He seems to be saying:

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

We then hold our heads up high and follow Him wherever He leads, taking life one step at a time.

Yes, I’m all for being loving and forgiving, but an important part of life is choosing your battles wisely. Every little thing doesn’t have to be a fight and there will be many things we have to turn a deaf ear to, but when we know in or hearts that God is asking us to fight, we have to put those boxing gloves on (not literally, guys! Don’t go beating anyone up!).

I was so amazed and impressed with a fourteen-year-old girl on a TV show who was kidnapped, but came up with a strategy to get her kidnapper to let his guard down and to give her his phone to play with. She then used the phone to send her mom a text message, which led to her being found.

That’s how we have to be in life. When tough situations come up, go to God, ‘God, what would you have me do here?’ You then listen to His direction, following wherever He leads. And His ways are not our ways, so we can’t always go with society or what others are telling us, we have to go with God’s directions – He knows what’s best for us!

I’m always thrilled how He directs me one step at a time how to get through any challenge that may come my way, with brilliant solutions magically coming to mind. We can truly relax (not in a lazy manner) doing our best with what He would have us to do and leave the rest with Him.



This is where I’m going to PUSH myself to be more often. I have my wonderful hubby to thank for another important life lesson. It was after we an argument on the way home from work screaming at each other that I said to him that we should not let the devil in our homes. I’m going to take that one a step further, let’s not let the devil in our lives and all day just practice automatic forgiveness – grace – and immediate clemency to anyone who does wrong to us.

The next evening, we were out with the kids celebrating our anniversary and I was very surprised when he said, “If you didn’t say that we shouldn’t let the devil in our home, we wouldn’t be here right now.” Meaning that both of us would’ve probably still been upset with each other, but instead we choose the peaceful route and I apologize for screaming at him. And instead of going down the war path, we chose peace and were able to happily celebrate with our kids.

The advice of my mediation book, written as if Jesus (God) is speaking to us, offers this advice from over 600 years ago:

“My Child. there are many matters of which its well for you to be ignorant, and consider yourself as one who is dead upon the earth and to whom the whole world is crucified. There are many things too, which is well to pass by with a deaf ear, thinking, instead of what is more to your peace. It is more profitable to turn away from things which displease you and to leave to every man his own opinion than to take part in quarrelsome talk if you stand well with God and look to his judgement…”

Got that? “There are many things too, which is well to pass by with a deaf ear, thinking, instead of what is more to your peace. It is more profitable to turn away from things which displease you and to leave to every man his own opinion…”

All the hurtful things that were said on that ride home, I’ve turned a deaf ear to them and it has profited me more, I’m at peace. We’re all humans and we all make mistakes, today I want to encourage you increase your capacity to forgive and love because this truly is the way to the best life close to God.



Can you believe this comment was from my wonderful husband of officially fourteen years today? I was telling him that we should have Godfidence no matter what challenge comes our way because God has shown us so many times before that He’s always with us. And God has His sweet ways of reminding me just how intimately He’s truly involved.

This morning a friend took a pic of a book she thought I would like, GodWink Stories by Squire Rushnell and Louise Duart, that she saw on TV. For my appointment with God I decided to download it and read some of it. I read something I liked and I took a pic of the page to share with my friend. She sent me a message back that God was talking to her in it, telling her to be happy and sing songs of praise. I then sent her the lyrics to the hymn, This Is The Day That The Lord Has Made, sharing with her that I sang it again this morning. “We will rejoice!” I wrote.

I kept reading and I kept sharing with her. One of the pages stated that “People who are happy have chosen to adopt an optimistic attitude and to approach every day in an intimate partnership with God.” I took that as a God wink because I had written yesterday, “GOD IS WITH US AND FOR US!!! And we can live the most fantastic lives with Him as our Partner and Guide! Once you get this, there is no such thing as an ordinary day anymore, every day is alive with His Presence.”

Then out of the blue, everything lined up a little bit too perfectly when the next sentence read, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

God winks from reading the book ‘GodWink Stories!’ God’s so funny! For the words of the song I asked you guys to sing with me in yesterday’s post, to me singing them again this morning, to me sending the lyrics to my friend for her to sing and for them to show up in this book she saw on TV this morning that I downloaded and decided to read in my appointment with Him was no coincidence. This was God confirming to us that His unseen Presence is with us and we can therefore have all the Godfidence in the world.

I have a new screensaver on my phone:
“Regain your strength by remembering who you are!”

“We are the sons, we are the sons,
Of the living God, of the living God.
We will rejoice, we will rejoice,
And be glad in Him, and be glad in Him.”