That was surprisingly from my husband this morning when I called him my gift from God! Lately, I’ve been looking at everything from a different perspective. I magically see everything and everyone as a delightful and unique gift from God to me. Like I go to the kitchen today, and there is a big bag of mangoes freshly plucked from our trees outside, and I thought, ‘Wow, God, You love me so much!’ I excitedly called my daughter, Julie, a fellow mango lover, and she was excited to see so many of them. I then told her, “This is God showing us His love. Let’s have an appointment with Him together.”
She came and sat in the new area that I have for appointments with God, and we ended up chatting about some future goals and plans and where we feel God is directing us. And as I sat there listening, I was just in awe of God – Like GOD, THANK YOU FOR THESE WONDERFUL KIDS!!!
So, from the littlest of things (having fresh mangoes) to the biggest of things (the best family ever) I’m unceasingly thanking God, and I want you guys here with me. I’m taking NOTHING for granted, everything and everyone have all been lovingly arranged and orchestrated by God Himself because of His unconditional love for me. And He’s doing the same thing for you! Are you paying attention?
I feel universally guided and protected by Him. When my mind wants to conjure up worst case scenarios, I smack myself in the head and say, ‘Nik, WE’RE TRUSTING THAT GOD IS IN CONTROL OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE, REMEMBER?’ I don’t doubt that He is on my side working things out in the spiritual realm on my behalf. Wink! Wink! Even the negative stuff that shows up I know is also from Him to teach me some valuable lessons and to keep me from making mistakes and going in directions that He would not have me to go. Not that way, Nik! (SMILE)
I loved a wink from Him last night having an appointment with my hubby. It was a verse that showed up and I ended up playing a YouTube video on it (Jeremiah 3:33) and how God is saying this to us:
“Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.”
I showed hubs my God notes where I had written a few days ago:
“Spend time with God alone every day so that He may share His secrets with you…”
Jeremiah and I are in sync! These plans and goals Julie and I were discussing included all the God winks we’ve been experiencing where He seems to be personally directing us. Like no way these can be coincidences!!! Which gives us all the Godfidence to move forward confidently in the direction of our dreams, baby, KNOWING GOD IS WITH US. Amen.
Don’t miss out on those crucial alone times with Him; He has lots to say to you, too!!! Wink! Wink! Don’t make a move before hearing from God first!