“…now I hold my head super high with TOO MUCH love for myself!!!” GLORY BE TO GOD!!!
The world has its way of keeping us down and depressed. Everyone focuses on our negatives, our mistakes, and failures, but in my appointments with God, He switches the scripts. He reminds me that I’m unconditionally loved and approved by Him no matter how many times I mess up. ‘Nik, you know you’re my girl.’ Is the constant message I feel from Him. With HIS LOVE backing me up, I can say to the world, “Yes, I’m a BIG screw-up MOST of the times, but by the grace of God, I’m trying to be BETTER.
Even if you’re at letter Z, God wants to help you to get to an A. At this moment, maybe I’m like a K from that A, but I keep my eyes fixed and God, and moment by moment I lean on Him asking what He would have me to do. Believe it or not, my weaknesses and failures are BRINGING ME CLOSER TO HIM. So, something “negative” God turns around and uses it for my good because it’s forcing me to seek Him more for guidance. God, I NEED YOU!!!
“Nikki, why did you say that?!?” was me yesterday at a get-together. Then 10 minutes later in another conversation, “Nikki, why did you say that?!? My mouth! Let me tell ya, I’m forever getting myself in trouble. But it’s OK! Today, I’ve learned from those failures of yesterday, and after all those missteps, I’m more alert to them. I want to just stay in my quiet room with God where I stay out of trouble, and He says to me that I’m to go out again today. ‘Yes, Father.’ The plan is to pause, though, and seek God’s input before saying ANYTHING! He even said to me this week in an appointment with Him: “Silence is wisdom.” Wink! Wink! I’m certainly a work in progress there, God! LOL!
But let’s all lighten up on ourselves and others! NOBODY’S PERFECT. These people judging us have the same amount of failures and mistakes as we do. We’re all BOZO’S on the bus BUT LOVED IMMENSELY BY OUR CREATOR, DESPITE OUR FLAWS. And that’s where I get my confidence from. I know I’m no better and no worse than anyone else but I can hold my head high, LOVE ME, and keep working on constant and never-ending improvement with my focus on God and HIS deep love and approval, not the world’s.
Our lives are His dream! Let’s go the extra mile in loving and forgiving ourselves and others over the past, and keep living God’s dream, baby! He has the best plans for us!
“But this little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. GLORY BE TO GOD.” Even if the world doesn’t understand or approve of me, I know God does. And His approval is enough! Heads held high, everyone!