Said my daughter/future lawyer, Julie, a short while ago. I took the opportunity to explain to her that life is certainly not fair, but we must be obedient to God, following His lead, knowing that His ways with us are MORE than fair. We don’t go wrong with God, guys! A few days ago, I read this on our family’s website, written by me 5 years ago:

“The Julie and Ember (my daughters) that I used to fight with to study, now want to study on their own. Late one night, I walked past Julie in the stairwell studying, and she said, “Mom, I’m here because I need to study, and staying here is keeping me up.” At 1 am when I stayed up with them one morning, she asked, “Is this what it takes to get into Harvard?” I said, “Yes, lots of studying and hard work!””

Fast forward to five years later, I went into Julie’s bedroom this morning, and she is sitting at her computer, applying for Harvard (only one of the top universities in the world!). Whether she gets in or not doesn’t really matter. To have this beautiful, intelligent, healthy, wise, on-the-ball, kind, funny, sweetie pie as a daughter is a GIGANTIC blessing. We may lose some battles here and there, but when we measure them against all the huge gifts from God, we’re winners! (HUGE SMILE)

Like I can’t over how God orchestrated a beautiful wink at me after that chat with Julie. I decided to give my brother, Kevin, a call out on my run. I wanted to tell him how his advice for me to get closer to God when I called him in a terrible moment was the same advice Dr. Charles Stanley had given me in another awful moment yesterday. Dr. Stanley explained that we could look at adversities as burdens or BRIDGES THAT TAKE US CLOSER TO GOD. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m taking all the bad that comes my way as motivation to get even stronger with God! WE NEED HIM AT EVERY MOMENT!

Kevin then gave me some more great advice about a situation saying specifically to me, “Neeks, you must “NIP IT IN THE BUD.” Fast forward just a few minutes, I’m running back home, and the song that was randomly playing by Outkast said: “NIP IT IN THE BUD” Wink! Wink! This song was not even in my library of music, just selected by Apple to play! This was no coincidence, but God’s sweet way of letting me know that He is intimately involved in the affairs of my life. I was filled with hope, encouragement, and strength to take on the situation boldly, bravely, and joyfully knowing God is always with me.

“May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you.” – 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

These runs I do every day with God have taken me so close to Him that I feel we now have face-to-face conversations with each other. I listened to that Dr. Stanley’s sermon again this morning with God confirming everything I have been feeling and writing about all these years. Yay! I’m not crazy! I think that’s why God is NOW introducing me to his YouTube channel to learn this great news on my own first and have Dr. Stanley confirm everything about God’s heart for each of us.

One thing Dr. Stanley and I talk about A LOT, though, are the appointments/alone times with God. This is where God reveals His secrets and directions for us to handle complex and messy situations (It is what it is, folks!). For the words “NIP IT IN THE BUD” to show up minutes after Kevin said it was God agreeing that your girl must get back in her fighter’s stance mode, but knowing the battles belong to Him who has our back.

“What’s your passion?” I asked everyone at our dinner the other night. Kevin responded, “My family.” Honestly, that’s me too! I love my family, y’all! I tell hubs that whatever we must go through, we will go through it together by the grace of God. If I must be the glue holding everyone together, no problem. My mindset is that I’m God’s little superhero, baby! That’s the mission I’m on from Him to tell you guys that our families and significant relationships are important to Him. Let’s keep fighting and not allow the devil in to tear us apart by staying loyal and going the extra mile in forgiveness, gentleness, self-control, patience, and love. NOT EASY, BUT GOD WILL BE OUR STRENGTH TO DO THIS CRUCIAL WORK ON HIS BEHALF. Where my superheroes at?