That’s what I felt God, surprisingly, in my spirit telling me yesterday when I was at a green light, that I shouldn’t move. The next thing I knew, my precious daughter, Julie, came out in front of me, accidentally running the red light at the exact intersection where God told me to stop. There was a truck in front of her, and she didn’t see that the light had turned red. I can’t get over God’s love for our family to have me, of all people, at that light to stop and protect her from being hit by another vehicle. No way this was some coincidence, but God protecting her from harm. We had an meeting to attend together, but I told her I would meet her because I had a lot going on. God just timed everything perfectly! Thank God for me, guys! His love is too much!!!

That’s why I preach to you guys that we should live a life pleasing to Him! No matter what anyone else is doing, let’s seek to please God because everything is between Him and us, not between us and anyone else. This same Julie, who God protected, was the same person telling me that she disagreed with my decisions recently because she thought it wasn’t fair. I explained to her that God’s ways are more than fair! Look how He took such great care to have me at that light, at that moment, to block another vehicle from crashing into her. No one pays me to write these posts, but nothing I do for God is in vain. His love, protection, support, help, favor, and grace are priceless! We may lose some small battles here and there, but overall, we’re BIG WINNERS with God! Our prayer should be: ‘God, anything to please You, let us learn. Amen!’

I can’t get over a special wink I got from Him yesterday after I wrote this in my last post:

“What’s your passion?” I asked everyone at our dinner the other night. Kevin responded, “My family.” Honestly, that’s me too! I love my family, y’all! I tell hubs that whatever we must go through, we will go through it together by the grace of God. IF I MUST BE THE GLUE HOLDING EVERYONE TOGETHER, NO PROBLEM. My mindset is that I’m God’s little superhero, baby!

Fast forward to the next day, I go to Netflix to watch for a few minutes while having my dinner. Of all the movies and shows there, I go to watch ‘The Shack.’ These lines incredibly show up:

“Mack and Nan had been married for 18 mostly happy years. SHE’S THE GLUE THAT HOLDS THAT FAMILY TOGETHER.” Wink! Wink!

Just for the few minutes I had to watch TV, and of all the content on Netflix, I could have chosen, God found a way to let me know that He sees me and that He was supporting me to be that glue for my family. (HUGE SMILE)

He is pretty talkative once you get to know Him! That’s the love again He shows us! I tell my husband that God Himself put us together and that I’m on His team for life, knowing that God rewards our loyalty and faithfulness to each other.

May we all be passionate about our families! I’m so excited about my son, Emmie, these days. He is aiming for all A’s and I felt God nudging me in my spirit to stop what I was doing and go and talk with him. I decided to pick his brain to see why he was doing so well and why my son, Joshie, was having a hard time adjusting. He said, and I paraphrase here, “I focus. I pay attention to what the teacher is saying. I don’t waste time. Instead of playing, I get my work done. Every day I must give it my best.” Now, I run with this mindset: I want to fill every moment with as much love, faith, forgiveness (of myself and others), patience, positivity, integrity, appreciation, joy, peace, excellence, focus, gratitude, wisdom, and humility. Thanks, my Emmie!!! Super proud momma here!!!