That’s how I honestly feel! I felt a little silly telling you guys how God revealed His invisible Presence with me when a customer’s tag renewal of $41.10 lined up perfectly with a verse from Isaiah 41:10 that ended a post I wanted to reshare yesterday. Fast forward to today, I read a post from my WhatsApp friend, Rani. The message resonated so strongly with me that I remembered I was missing her daily messages. I go back to see the last time she sent me one. It was from almost two months ago, and can you believe in that post, she quoted this very verse that I felt so silly telling you guys about:

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10

That was AGAIN no coincidence! For her very last post that she sent me to include that verse, out of all the verses in the Bible, was, again, everything lining up too perfectly, and God’s loving and sweet way of confirming that verse: Niks, I will strengthen and help you!!! HE HAS!!!!!!!

See how talkative God is when you have ears to hear Him and eyes to see Him! Nothing is more beautiful than knowing He is by your side through the good, bad, and ugly. But if you want me to be really honest with you, this 41:10 includes the number “411” which is the number that He uses to specifically tell me that He will support me and help me with our business here. We’re at a crossroads right now with it and having conversations with God about our next step. So this verse showing up yesterday and again today was God’s way of confirming He is with us as we make this crucial decision about moving forward. HEEHAW!!!

Don’t play around with your relationship with God! See how He is building my confidence by planting that glimmer of His presence from two months ago in Rani’s post to comfort and strengthen me. My faith and hope in Him give me the courage and joy to take on my life CONFIDENTLY with Him by my side. As the motto for this business states: IN GOD WE TRUST! We can expect the best, knowing He is with and for us!!! Just pray for His direction and guidance in everything! Tomorrow, I have an important meeting to attend, and I will listen to God through my spirit, paying attention to my feelings (His voice)- peace means yes, doubt, anxiety means to hold up; let’s rethink this! God is an expert in everything, and the WISER Nikki has learned to go to Him all day, every day!