I am here typing with massive goosebumps all over me! A customer called me earlier today to request a copy of his car’s registration. In looking at it, though, I noticed it was about to expire, so I told him I would renew it for him. The lady at the tag agency immediately texted me back the price of $41.10. To be honest, I didn’t feel like writing a post today, so I went to copy one I read earlier from our family’s website and look what showed up at the end of that very post:

“So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – ISAIAH 41:10 (Wink! Wink!)

That 41:10 showing up there, THE EXACT PRICE OF THAT TAG RENEWAL, was another one of my God winks where everything lined up a little bit too perfect to be an ordinary coincidence. God again planted it there to say, ‘Nik, I’m with you! My invisible Presence is always with you!’ I called my customer and read the verse to him, and he got goosebumps, too, because his company just told him that they were letting him go. So this comforted him, letting him know that God was also with him. See the sweetness of God! This customer purchased this vehicle months ago but needed a copy of it today as he tries to hustle and find new employment.

Notice I didn’t have to help him get that tag renewed but I said let me go the extra mile for someone who purchased a vehicle from us, and going the extra mile was where I found God’s Presence waiting for me with that verse, surprisingly showing up. The way I’ve been supported lately, I’m trying to up my game in being more supportive of others. Life is a two-way street, and we all need each other! May we all go the extra mile in loving and supporting each other, so help us, God.

How’s your relationship with God going? WE NEED HIM!!! Like my friend, Curtis, said yesterday, it’s such a beautiful thing that I’ve developed a relationship with God, and I’m able to know His voice and direction. That’s where I want us all! Tapping into God’s voice and direction every second, every moment, seeking to be the people he would have us be. Today, that meant having a tough conversation with someone, but I felt God nudging me in my spirit to speak, even though He mostly is telling me to KEEP SILENT (HUGE SMILE). We won’t get it right all the time, but we can try to feel God’s direction, and with practice, practice, and more practice, we will know exactly what He would have us to do (OR NOT DO!). Tell him that you would like to recommit your life to Him today! He has the best plans and paths for our lives! He got us!