That’s my sister, Nora, to me like a broken record all the time. “But it is hard!!!” I answer back! But today, I’m going with Nora because life is all about perspective, baby! My friend, Joey, explained it this way:

“It’s not life. It is not life that can be hard and difficult, things are only difficult because we take it that way, our reactions to life make it hard. Jesus said, “in the world you will have tribulation but BE OF GOOD CHEER.” In other words, how we respond to life will make life easier. It is not life, it is us that need to change.” John 16:33

“Hi my love. R U OK. U R God’s girl!!” That was the cute message from my ninety-year-old mom a short while ago after I called her venting about my day. I assured her that she didn’t have to worry about me for one second because I genuinely believe I am God’s favorite girl. I’m serious! That’s how He honestly makes me feel!

Like talking to Nora last night, she says to me, “DON’T FORGET WHO YOU ARE AND WHOSE YOU ARE!!!” Guys, I started screaming!!! I had just had an appointment with God reading page 91 of our family’s website, and I grabbed my phone to show Nora what was there. PRECISELY ON MY SCREEN WERE HER EXACT WORDS: “DON’T FORGET WHO YOU ARE AND WHOSE YOU ARE!!!” (WINK! WINK!) This is why I’m serious about being God’s fav! How could Nora say the words I left on my phone’s screen fifteen minutes before? Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. That was no coincidence; IT WAS GOD’S WAY OF REVEALING HIS INVISIBLE PRESENCE WITH ME AND WRAPPING HIS ARMS AROUND ME TO SOOTHE MY RUFFLED NERVES. He is pretty talkative once you get to know Him!

Here’s the deal: GOD’S GRACE (His help, love, favor, support, and strength) is with us in every moment to take on whatever challenges come our way. It’s just for us to keep a laser focus on God (not the world and what’s going on around us), asking Him at every moment how to respond and doing our best to be obedient to Him. HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT TO TAKE ALL THE PROBLEMS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD! That’s faith – KNOWING NOTHING IS TOUGHER THAN GOD, AND HE GOT US IN THE PALM OF HIS HANDS!!!

We can be on chill mode for life like my brother, Kevin, has been trying to teach me, not taking anything too seriously and enjoying our lives with God! RELAX AND BE OF GOOD CHEER BECAUSE WE KNOW WHO STANDS WITH US: GOD HIMSELF!!! GOD STRONG, BABY!!!