Seeing Ember on that video call this week looking so pretty, happy, and flourishing in that skybox overlooking the football team as one of the managers has, honestly, changed me. I called Kevin today just to thank him for being the guard rails for my life for the past few years and helping me make some significant decisions. My husband called Kevin about three years ago, reporting me to him. When I wanted Kevin to give hubby our family’s response, he said, “FORGET THE FOOLISHNESS YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND ARE FIGHTING ABOUT, FOCUS ON GETTING YOUR DAUGHTERS TO SCHOOL IN THE US.” That began some extraordinary conversations that I look back on in absolute amazement. All those talks have been sacred as if I was talking to God Himself.

Kevin jokes, saying his job from God is to keep me happy (HUGE SMILE), but Kevin’s voice is continually in my head like a broken record:

“Neeks, I want you to make God your top priority. Get closer to God.”
“Neeks, I want you to work on being a wise woman.”
“Neeks, you’re going to have to be patient right now.”
“Neeks, marriage is like a team; when one person is weak, the other has to be strong and vice versa.”
“Neeks, be on chill for life. Don’t take anything or anyone too seriously.”
“Neeks, God wants you to know YOU ARE SECURE IN HIM.”

Yesterday Kevin and I argued over who should have a gorgeous BMW I purchased for his car business in the Bahamas. He said he wanted me to have it to make some money from it, and I said I wanted him to have it because the vehicle is so beautiful and clean that I want him to have it as an important symbol of a brother and sister working together as a team to help each other. The world needs more of that! I told him how I wake up so excited looking for cars for both of our businesses. It gives me such joy to know I can help him somehow for all he has done for my family and me. He has been like one hundred brothers in one, and now I want him continually in your head, too.:

“I want you to make God your top priority. Get closer to God.” He exceeds our expectations when we follow His leading!
“I want you to work on being a wise woman/man.” Ask God what He would have you do! Obey God and leave the consequences with Him!
“You’re going to have to be patient right now.” Please be patient!!!
“Marriage is like a team, when one person is weak, the other has to be strong and vice versa.” With God’s help and support, we can get through anything!
“Be on chill for life. Don’t take anything or anyone too seriously.” Relax. God got us!
“God wants you to know YOU ARE SECURE IN HIM.” May we work every day on increasing of faith in God! Amen!