That’s what I said to someone a short time ago. Instead of looking to other humans for love, I encouraged them to look to God. “Nobody will love us better than Him!!! Forget about it! Just focus your mind on being wrapped up in God’s arms every moment and enjoying Him!!!” Just living in His Presence and with eyes fixed on Him being the people He would have us to be in every moment! For me, that means being the greatest of all time wife, mother, and person so that when I die, God, Himself will say, “Well done my good and faithful servant!” Seeing Ember yesterday on that video call looking so happy and on top of the world in her skybox, watching the football team that she helps manage, play, was such a beautiful eyeopener to all the beauty in my life. We came from Nigeria to the US to do hard things, and we’re doing them, baby! It isn’t always pretty, but we thank God for the strength to get back up whenever we fall! Amen!

Like I told this friend, our kids pick up on our energy, and as mothers, we must set the tone for the home. WE MUST BE THE GLUE TO KEEP THE FAMILY HAPPY AND TOGETHER. Our role from God Himself!!! My son, Joshie, had an emotional breakdown the other night, and I thank God that he came to me and we were able to talk it out. I said, “Come on, we got this! We’re going to take this school year as a game. Something fun and me, you, and God are doing together.” Made me realize that they are counting on me to be strong and together. The next day I was back in my Tom Brady training every day like an athlete mode reminded that my sons were counting on me to be my best self for them. Everything I told him is what my brother, Kevin, has been teaching me. I get overwhelmed, too but Kevin tells me to relax, not take anything too seriously (to be on chill for life!!!) Everything about our lives has already been written! God got us!

Today Kevin wrote, “Relax and enjoy the journey or be miserable, and the journey will happen anyway.” Take your pick! I’m so happy for someone who recently called me from Nigeria and said to me, “Everything that you hear that’s going on here is all foolishness and nonsense. Just get your mind off that and get closer to God. God will send you an angel to calm your mind.” Honestly, that was the big wake-up call I needed. I stress the foolishness and nonsense too much, but when you know better, you do better. That’s our prayer!

And God didn’t just send me an angel, He sent me an entire team of angels! I told some of them today that I walk with God holding one of my hands and them holding the other. Never underestimate the value of the people you surround yourself with. That’s the love I receive from God and why I can say wholeheartedly, “FORGET THE LOVE FROM OTHER PEOPLE!!!” Learn to be deaf, dumb, and blind, forgiving endlessly, being gentle and patient, and showing everyone God’s love instead, and enjoy your life! From fighting with my sons to get dressed for school, to enjoying going back and forth to tire and mechanic shops to keep the family hustle going, to snuggling and laughing with my Joshie before sleeping, I’m determined to find the joy because every second is a pure gift from God! Toast! To living our greatest lives with God!!! GETTING OUR LOVE FROM HIM!!! AMEN!!!