That was me to my son, Emmie, today! He is my official critic! He fussed me out that I wasn’t calling his dad in Nigeria enough, “You tell me to call him, but you don’t call him!” It was just my psychic YouTuber, Stargirl, who told me I must stop chasing people, but my son and God have corrected me! I’m to not call my husband from a space of tracking him and knowing his whereabouts, but from a space of genuine love and wanting to check on the world’s best husband. Like I called him today from under the God tree, saying an extra special prayer for him. That God would provide him exceptional support, love, guidance, wisdom, and favor to be the father, husband, and person God is calling him to be. Amen! Love sets free, not chase!

“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” – 1 John 4:16

Let me just be real with you guys. My brother, Gil, said the perfect thing: “If we take away infidelity issue from marriages, we’ll have perfect marriages.” We must just forget this cheating issue completely and address it with God (the Manufacturer) when we die. Just turn a blind eye, pretend you don’t see what you see and pretend you don’t hear what you hear, and just keep being the best spouse you can possibly be and leave the rest with God. It is what it is, folks!

Some things we will never be able to comprehend or understand why people do what they do, but our job is just to love, keep forgiving, and stop judging. Whatever anyone does is between them and God! Our job is to stay focused on God every moment, asking Him to help change OUR attitudes and behavior so we show up as the best people for Him. Amen!

We must learn to get our love and security from God, not other people. I’m learning to live life with one foot on earth for all the messiness, clutter, and frustrations and with the other foot in heaven, enjoying my life with God, knowing He knows every thought I think, and He is with me at every moment. One day recently, under my God tree, He asked me something like, “Isn’t it clear that my love arranged all of this for you?” I looked around at this beautiful neighborhood I get to go running in every morning, and I just smiled with God saying, ‘It’s very clear Your love arranged all this for me!’ Including the best husband who’s working hard every day to support our family! Thanks, boo!

Like I was just cleaning the bathroom at our office (your girl is in hustle mode, too!), and I thought about a customer who owed us some money. Can you believe that this very customer called me in less than 15 minutes to ask if he could come and pay? That was just God revealing AGAIN His invisible Presence with me, letting me know He is behind the scenes of my life, helping me in every aspect. No coincidence!

God is at work in the spiritual realm on your behalf as well! I want us all to learn His voice – the Holy Spirit within each of us, and pay attention to what He would have us do. “Obey God and leave the consequences with Him” is the advice I’m running with from Charles Stanley, and it’s seriously working! God is taking me to a new level of closeness with Him! (HUGE SMILE)