I can’t get over these recent words from my messenger from God/brother, Kevin, when I called him from under my God tree. But what indeed amazes me, though, is the extent God would go to get me to understand that He stands STRONGLY with me in every aspect of my life.

Like yesterday, I was working on a crucial report, and one of the figures shockingly included “811118.” After working all day on it, I left it for a bit to just pray over it and have some conversations with God. A couple of hours later, I was lying next to my son Joshie, asking him the time. He replied, “8:11, and do you want to know why that is a God wink?” I screamed, “That’s a God wink at me!” I took him to my report to see the “811118” going forward AND backward. Wow! God freaked me out that I would ask Joshie what time it was at precisely 8:11 just to let me know He approved of my report. HEEHAW!!!

But can you believe the God wink for Joshie was a friend sitting next to him in his class yesterday who noticed “811” on the board and said to him that “811” is his lucky number? Would God really go to that extent to have that all lined up so perfectly to let me know I was secure in Him? Yup, He is pretty awesome and cool like that! Tell me, how could all that line up on its own to be some random coincidence? From me working on that report all day and for that 811118 to show up, to Joshie’s friend sitting next to him and saying, “811 is my lucky number,” after he sees it on the board, to me lying next to Joshie and asking him the time at precisely 8:11. That’s God’s love and intimate involvement in every moment of our lives!

Are you feeling His Presence with You? Notice He talks to me a lot through numbers and what we would call coincidences just as glimmers of His invisible Presence that is always with us. So that as we face the challenges and problems of life, we know that He is there with us, and we face nothing alone. OUR GOD IS FAITHFUL, AND HE IS WITH US!!! EVEN WHEN WE GET IT WRONG, HE WILL HAVE OUR BACK! He wants to be personally involved in every aspect of our lives, but we must take the time and effort to have a relationship with Him. No shame in my game; I run to God to get His perspective on every decision. Every circumstance. Every relationship. And I pray you do the same. (Wink! Wink!)