That’s my brother, y’all! I had called him yesterday morning to get a male perspective on a situation, and this God thought came clearly to mind with me saying to him, “Enough playing Tom and Jerry!!!” It’s a cat and mouse cartoon about this cat on this never-ending chase of a clever mouse. Unfortunately, this is what my life has been feeling like (sadly chasing my husband for his love and attention!), and your girl here has decided to stop the cartoon show and step up to bigger and better goals, like completing my next book that will hopefully bring the entire world closer to God. Heehaw!

“God will intentionally create the appropriate conditions to force you to let go of what you have no business holding on to.” – via dizzydaisysblog

Can you believe God figured out a way to confirm that this was really His thought, as if saying, ‘Nik, please, enough with the Tom and Jerry, already!!!? So fast forward to that afternoon, I had so much that I needed to do, but I decided just to take some time to fold laundry with Joshie watching his TV show in the background. Then, Joshie left the room, and an episode of the Simpsons immediately followed (another cartoon). Honestly, I was completely blown away by God’s love and attention to my life when I saw a character on the Simpson’s watching another cartoon show of a cat chasing a mouse, which was an imitation of the very Tom and Jerry show I spoke to my brother about that morning!!! God is too much!

This lined up too perfectly to be considered some ordinary coincidence! A cartoon within another cartoon depicting precisely what I discussed with my brother – I’m that crazy cat chasing the mouse! God wanted me to have a visual of where I’ve been going so wrong with my life! See how He lovingly corrects those He loves! Time and energies are limited, and half the battle is choosing the right battles, guys!

See how God is so intimately involved in our lives. I felt that “Enough playing Tom and Jerry!!!” was Him speaking to me. And as I debated on what to do that afternoon, the feeling was that I should stay there and fold clothes. For Joshie to leave the TV to THAT channel, for THAT episode of the Simpson’s to play, and to include THAT other cartoon of the cat and mouse, was entirely orchestrated by God to let me know that He is familiar with all my ways. That He knows everything about me, including everything I have going on. Down to every thought that I think!

I’m only the God maniac over here who pays attention to these God winks to report back to you to let you know He is with you, too. It’s just for us to have eyes to see Him and ears that hear Him. Don’t miss out on the sweet life with Him. His love is enough for al of us! Wink! Wink! Say this prayer, God, I want a closer walk with You!!! Amen!