I left work early yesterday to just take some time to see what was going on with them. Let me tell ya; I loved every minute of it just, blown away by God’s love for my family and me. Such great sons I have, y’all! It opened my eyes to how blessed I am. “Look around. Look at your life,” I felt God saying to me on Sunday in my spirit, and after that time with my sons, I felt even more grateful.

“Instead, You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life. As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending, and I know true joy and contentment” (Psalm 16:11, VOICE).

I feel God so closely directing me that it’s crazy the attention I’m receiving from Him. Like on Sunday, there was a group on Facebook I felt Him nudging me to read the posts there. The first was about the battlefield of the mind, and I felt God was talking directly to me. I spoke of us being our own worst enemies – that’s definitely me with all my crazy, sad, and depressing thoughts that bring me down way too often.

I kept reading, and a post got my attention that challenged members to begin intermittent fasting for November. I thought this would be great therapy for me to tackle all these ugly thoughts I always have going on, and I started thinking about the time frame to begin and end every day, like from noon to five. Fast forward to minutes later, I go to have an appointment with God before going to bed, and look what incredibly showed up on our family’s website:

“Need to go back to my intermittent fasting from noon to five (Wink! Wink!) and to cut back on the amount of food I enjoy every evening for dinner. Let’s keep being our best selves, all for the glory of God.”

I took this as another direct message from God as if He was saying, ‘YES, NIK! PLEASE GO BACK TO YOUR FASTING!!!’ So, who am I to argue with God! I decided to begin the fasting from 11 am to 7pm to help get back the happy Nikki who is focused and strong, baby!

And if not for that fasting, I probably wouldn’t have been the mother I was yesterday to my sons. I was able to sit down with them with a clear mind (thanks to the fasting!), focused, calm and happy. Not only was I proud of my sons when they showed me all their great work, but I was also proud of the momma who showed up for them. Glory be to God!