That was the perfect Nike Running Club choice for me out on my jog/walk with God today. There was a moment where Coach Bennet gave us two minutes to vent about all our negatives and frustrations. But instead of complaining, your girl here just said, “God, I have nothing but gratitude for You. Yes, things are not quite the way I would want them, but I trust You.” Minutes later, I’m at the tree, and at 44 minutes past the hour, I read page 44 of our website and look how God revealed His invisible Presence with me, with these words showing up there:

““When things are not going well in our lives, we have a tendency to want them to be different from the way they are. But things are the way they are because they’re supposed to be the way they are because there is something bigger than all of us and our personalities handling all of this. The trees that don’t ever complain about the moss growing on them, even though it’s discoloring them, and so on. It’s just this allowing and this acceptance of the universe the way it is.

And I think one of the hardest lessons is to reach a state of inspiration. You talked about being in spirit and looking for inspiration, it is to figure out a way to be in a state of gratitude for the things that our minds are telling us shouldn’t be happening…so filled with anger towards whatever the universe is doing to us instead of being grateful for it because ultimately you know that as you look back on your life the things that while you were going through them that seemed so awful and difficult years ago, now from a new point of looking at them, with more clarity and seeing them more clearly now, you realize that you had to go through them to get to the other side.

And being in that continuous state of gratitude (EXACTLY ME AT THAT VERY MOMENT!!!), even for the really really really hard things it’s like to get down on our knees and be thankful not just when things are going right and when everybody smells good, and the money comes in, and so on but to be in that state of gratitude for…everything coming at you is just part of the perfection of what your curriculum is. That is called your life…” – Dr. Wayne Dyer

Then, reading this part: “The trees that don’t ever complain about the moss growing on them,” I looked at my beautiful God tree with the moss growing on it and felt extra loved and supported by God. Again, this was God’s way of letting me know that He is ALWAYS with me.

I left the house not wanting to run, but came back God’s little superhero, ready to take on whatever He sends my way! Heehaw!!!