Surprise! Surprise! Working together has been a challenge for both of us. Mostly because she wants to be the boss and I have to check her-You are Junior, I’m Senior! So when she asked if she could hang with me today, I happily accepted.

“Let me change this shirt first!” she immediately said. Another surprise was that she put on one of the God shirts I bought for her that says, “if God is all you have, you have all you need.” Our first stop was at a store where I get my fav nerdy blouses. Next I said let’s look for a shoe store that I remembered. The shoe store was no longer there, but right at the intersection to go back to our car, can you believe we met a young lady wearing the exact shirt as Ember. Same color and everything! We both felt it was no way a coincidence, but God letting us know that His invisible Presence was out with us. For her to go and change into that shirt of all her shirts and for us to meet that lady wearing it was a perfect alignment where everything once again lined up a little bit too perfectly that we knew it was God orchestrated to remind us of His love for us. Wink! Wink! My girls!

“Do you like my life?” I asked her as we left a nail salon. “It could be better,” she replied. “It also could be a lot worse! God has been teaching me contentment and gratitude” I responded.

While she helped me with the cleaning up at the house later on, I asked her what she didn’t like about my life. She thought that I don’t have enough fun. I explained to her that I love my boring life! I don’t like doing too much. A simple life is the best life for me!

I got a chance to explain some of the wisdom I’ve been learning from God. Like the wearing of my uniform shirts every day. It was a part of my strategy with God. I came to the US from Nigeria on a mission: Let’s get down to business!

Ember and I had our eyes on the prize of her attending university in New York. Her protective dad wanted her close by, but we came up with a plan to convince him that we could not hold this fierce daughter back from pursuing her dream. The plan was to simply give our best in every moment and leave the rest to God. Hubby finally gave his blessings for her to go! Praise God!

Then it was our business that got off track again, but I just kept saying, if we have nothing, let’s give our nothing to God. He created the entire world from
Nothing! I go there now in amazement from the transformation between when I came and where it is now. I’m giving all the glory to God.

Next on agenda was getting my daughter, Julie driving and attending college. Guys, my baby girl is not only driving, she is flourishing! She loves her college life where she can go to the gym in the middle of the day if she wants. She went for a function at her high school because she is still officially a high school student and she said, “I’m so happy I don’t have to go there every day. This whole early admissions to college while still a high school student was all planned out by God Himself. I have no doubt. Same thing with Ember’s college in New York with a $30,000 scholarship. That’s the God exceeding my expectations that I always write and talk about. Are you rolling with Him? His favor, love, support, approval, guidance follows us wherever we go. Like that tshirt smartly said: “if God is all you have, you have all you need.”Walk with Him. Make your relationship with Him your top priority! Say this prayer, God, I want a closer walk with You! Wink! Wink!