That was me to my family last night as we enjoyed a night out at our fav Asian buffet restaurant. It was a topic of whether or not open communication of one’s true feelings is good or bad. Everyone thought that you should be open and not hold things in and speak honestly. I then shared what God has been teaching me about learning to vent to Him and to others I should remember silence. I explained that it is an act of love towards another person when you sometimes hold back words and NOT speak. A part of being wise is knowing when to speak and when to be quiet.

Fast forward to this morning, my husband certainly didn’t get the lesson of holding back words, and he totally went into me about something. I didn’t respond (although I had plenty to say!) as an act of love towards this husband who has been our gift from God – ain’t nobody perfect! It was my opportunity to practice what I preach.

I instead vented to God on the run to my God tree (God, You see the way this husband talks to me!) and look what incredibly showed up at 8 minutes past the hour on page 8 on our family’s webpage with God confirming His lessons to me:

“The LORD will fight for you, AND YOU ONLY HAVE TO BE SILENT.” – Exodus 14:14

God has been teaching your girl here all about keeping silent and venting to Him. That I should hide all my ugliness in His heart (it’s a hospital). SUPER TOUGH when the crazy lady wants to come out, but that’s where the praying all day every day comes in. God teaches me to control my emotions, put on a poker face when necessary, and be wiser in making decisions. Smile. Be calm. Loving. Patient. Forgiving. Self-controlled. Peaceful. Brave. And good. Knowing that he is in the background of our lives fighting battles on our behalf once we do this. Wink! Wink!

Got that? Go to God all day. Every day. Asking what He would have us to do, say and go. Life is all about the decisions we make! A LIFE GUIDED BY GOD CANNOT FAIL. He is with us in every moment. It is just for us to involve Him! KK?

Wow! God AGAIN got in on our family’s conversation! I told you all; God is pretty talkative when you have ears to hear Him. Out of over 109 pages on our website, God had me go directly to this message at the top of page 8 to reveal His intimate Presence with us. And these glimpses of His Presence are what give me the courage to have a strong life. Not allowing the world to dampen my mood and get me all upset and worried. I can be full of joy (God’s Rockstar, baby!) like the Apostle Paul, who was able to write these words while locked up in prison:

“Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.” – Philippians 4:4