I asked my kids yesterday, and Julie funnily replied, “From the ghetto part of the Bahamas!” No shame, guys! I’m proud to be ghetto fabulous BUT with one crucial factor: I’M HIGHLY LOVED BY GOD. That’s my testimony, baby! The love God shows my family and me is incredible! Like last year I wrote about this spectacular God wink:

“… after my husband sent an old picture of us together yesterday, I felt God saying I should respond with this specific message back to him:

“Forget the former things! God is doing a new thing! He is taking our family to new and greater heights! HE WILL MAKE A STREAM in the wastelands, a spring in the desert.”

Long story short, the girls came out to run errands with me, and as we’re driving next to the highway, Ember shocking points out a LONG STREAM of water flowing that was not there before. Some nearby lake overflowed from lots of rain, and I immediately thought of that text to my husband: HE WILL MAKE A STREAM. God did!

THIS WAS NO COINCIDENCE! That was God finding a NEW way of showing us His deep love and attention. I was at peace the entire day driving around with my daughters, KNOWING GOD HIMSELF WAS THERE WITH US.”

Fast forward over a year later, God has kept His promise: He has done a new thing by changing my perspective on my entire life AND He has taken our family to new and greater heights!!! God has once again exceeded our expectations in EVERY aspect. We do our 50%, and God does the rest! (Wink! Wink!) 

I’m only the God nerd over here who pays attention to report back to you that no matter where you are from, your mistakes and failures of the past, or how flawed you may think you are, YOU ARE INCREDIBLY LOVED BY GOD. You can come as you are, and He will welcome you CLOSER to Him with arms WIDE open! My daughter, Julie, wrote this yesterday:

“There is a popular misconception that you have to be polished or perfect to have a good relationship with God, but that’s false! God made us imperfect so that we can stay in constant communication with Him. If you had everything under control, then you’d forget about God. And we all know, GOD IS A JEALOUS GOD! We all have our little areas where we can improve in, but we are constantly improving and evolving. No matter how many mistakes or terrible things you do, God still loves you unconditionally, and that’s the point of life: You fall and get right back up again. Beating yourself up for the little things is not going to get you anywhere.”

No one can fathom the deepness of God’s love – He created a stream next to a highway JUST for me! It’s up to us, though, to experience His love and love Him back. Get to know Him through daily alone times seeking Him reading anything spiritual that you feel connects you with Him. The Bible is particularly faith-strengthening and filled with profound wisdom for making significant decisions, especially the fruits of the spirit like Patience, Kindness, Love – they work! I promise you, your closeness to God will determine the quality of your life. Wink! Wink! Don’t play around with your relationship with Him!