All my running to my God tree every morning has paid off! (HUGE SMILE) I would run there so anxious, frustrated, upset, angry and hurt, and God would find some way to reveal His invisible Presence with me. It could be a conversation with someone that I had the day before or  I’ve even had a simple thought about something that He would use to say, ‘Nik, I’m with you!’ Such love and attention He paid to me that He gave me an entire different perspective on every aspect of my life. This was the post I read this morning under the tree and now I get why He doesn’t mind me having the worst day:


Were the lyrics from Justin Bieber’s song ‘Take It Out on Me,’ that I totally took as a message from God recently after I spent a day upset. The very next day in my appointment with God, these lyrics sweetly showed up from Him:

“Sometimes I don’t mind you havin’ the worst day…

Let your frustrations out right here…

I’m your psychiatrist, let’s talk about it…

I see the weight weighin’ on your shoulders

It’s so heavy

Let me be the meaning of your composure”

And honestly, I didn’t want to tell you guys I had another awful day, but when I thought about how God sweetly shows up for me in my “weak” moments, I can BOAST of my weaknesses, baby! MY GOD IS WITH ME!

When I sat down to talk to Him about all the things weighing your girl here down, this verse showed up in THREE separate places:

“When you go through deep waters,

_ I will be with you.” – Isaiah 43:2_

I smiled with God, instantly reminded that as I do my best in the physical realm, He is fighting on my behalf in the spiritual realm. Wink! Wink!

Then it was a WhatsApp message that my husband forced me to read that got me all sad AGAIN. It was directly talking about the thorn in my side, and it even referred to it as a “thorn in the side!” I said to God, “NOT FUNNY!” This is an issue that I’ve begged God to take away from me, but yesterday God was my therapist, and we talked about this thorn. Between my meditation books, our family’s website, werollwithgod.com, and Tumblr.com, here’s what He had to say:

Firstly, He said that I should thank Him for any persistent problems in my life. I should go as far as being friends with them! Remembering that He can fit everything into a pattern for good. To be honest, this problem has been a friend because it has taken me closer to God than anything else. I go running to Him for His guidance, and He is always there for me, just like He was yesterday, to give me His perspective, and crucially reminding me that He is with me through all the struggles and challenges that come my way! That’s faith!

Then, God asked me to share the lessons that I’ve been learning from dealing with this issue with you guys, and there have been LOTS! Like this one from the WhatsApp message:

“My Personal Opinion

Value your ‘imperfect’ marriage (Like God tells me, ain’t nothing perfect, girl!)… Don’t compare your partner to celebrities who project a perfect marriage or relationship… Every marriage has a secret tiny ‘demon’ and many angels…. Focus on the angelic aspect and continue to pray against the tiny demon… The tiny demon is usually what Paul described as a Thorn in the flesh… It is usually hidden, tiny but present. But if you focus on the angels in the relationship, you will only use divorce to fool governments and systems.”

That’s exactly what I do in all my relationships, I focus on the angelic qualities of others and myself, and not the demons that are present in us all. Prayer and Patience go hand in hand!

Thanks, My Therapist (God)! You have led my life on a very beautiful path that I can even BOAST of my weaknesses!!!

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