Those were the exact words I needed to hear under my God tree today. I confessed to that person how I had stopped going into our office to avoid being around my critical husband. We have different managerial styles, and when he is around, he seems only to want to criticize all my decisions, feeling his ways are always superior. To avoid confrontations, I’ve stayed away. But yesterday, under the tree, I felt God saying to me not to do that anymore. That I must go and face my husband’s fault findings and stand STRONG, and crucially, He would be my strength when I’m weak.

So, yesterday, we were the ones opening up together. Hubby, my daughter, Julie, and our two sons, Emmie and Joshie. And honestly, it was such a beautiful day. Hubs shortly left with Joshie, and Julie and Emmie had some excellent bonding time working together (our middle children!). When they returned, I hoped in a car to take the kids for some lunch. They love this 7 Eleven pizza, and the first one we went to had run out, so I looked up the other closest location. On our way back, I made a whole big thing about how they were stressing me out. They started to laugh at me, “Mom, the place was two minutes away. Stop being so dramatic! You act as if we asked you to drive for hours!” We had the biggest laugh over the drama mama here!

Let me tell ya, these sessions I have with God under that God tree are sacred. Julie and I ended up staying late with a customer who hubby convinced to buy a truck from us. While waiting for the insurance, we had the best conversation with the customer’s nephew. He talked about his pastor, who is focused on ministering to men. I told him about my blogging, which is mainly aimed more at women to be the LOVING AND FORGIVING wives, mothers, and people God has called us to be. Especially about being the glue that keeps our families together.

At the end of the conversation, though, we agreed that a God-centered life is the best way to go. Asking Him to be our Director and Guide, following His voice and where He leads us – being obedient to Him! At one point, he made me cry about finding his father in Venezuela and forgiving him. This was five years into his marriage, and at that point, they were unable to conceive children. But as soon as they got back from seeing his father, his wife got pregnant, and now they have four beautiful kids. Two girls and two boys. Just like us!

After all my talking about this “311” that I feel God speaks to me through, there is now a HUGE billboard on my way home with this 311 printed on it. It is my reminder from God to stay on the high road with Him being my most loving and forgiving self. God is pretty talkative once you get to know Him. And to be quite honest with you guys, when I saw that sign, I was NOT in a good place. I was furious. But immediately upon seeing it, I knew it was a HUGE wink from God as if He was saying VERY LOUDLY, ‘NIKKI!!!!!! STAY ON THE HIGH ROAD WITH ME, REMEMBER!!!’ In a fun, playful way! I gave God a big smile, and I continued home happy, deciding to leave the battle I was upset about in His competent hands. God’s ways are the best!

Don’t let the devil get us off track! See how I stayed away from our office until God corrected me! Don’t let the devil get the best of you! The devil wants to keep us angry, bitter, frustrated, not being our best selves, but God wants us happy, living our best lives with Him. Wink! Wink!