Those were the words from my husband that just made me so happy. ”Give me a kiss for that, boo!” I replied. He puts up with me with all my work for God, but I tell him that God repays us richly with His favor, love, protection, guidance, kindness, and immeasurable support. God has taken us beyond what we could have ever asked or imagined! Wink! Wink!

Today was a beautiful day working with our daughter, Ember. She has been such a huge support for me that I don’t know where I would be without her. Her excellent example as our firstborn has made us all better. Now that she is working with us before leaving for college, it’s my pleasure to pass on some of the values God has been teaching me. Being a person of integrity, dependability, going the extra mile, asking how may I serve, and being a joyful and humble person to be around, have all served me well no matter where I am in the world.

I love how God seems to be getting in on training sessions with her, though. We had a disagreement with me saying to her that not everything she wants to say to me means she should say it. I sent her this quote from my morning’s appointment with God:

“Don’t waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.”- Mandy Hale

Less than an hour later, her dad calls, and he is telling me about a situation that technically he caused, but he was blaming someone else (different perspective!). After hanging up, Ember said, “Wasn’t that his fault? Why didn’t you tell him?” I said, “Remember the quote I just sent you – sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all. Should I argue with your dad and upset him or allow peace to reign, and we go home and have a beautiful evening together? Your dad deserves my silence.”

And just like that, God made her a witness to what I’ve been trying so hard to teach her. It’s wisdom to hold back some words, smile, put on a happy face, and be a pleasure and joy to be around instead of getting angry and easily upset. My daughter Julie said she has learned to vent her feelings in her head, not to other people. God tells me to take it out on Him. And with all that He does for me, I vent everything and hand over all disappoints to Him, and stay on the high road being my best, most loving, and happiest self. Wink! Wink! All for His honor and glory! May we all glorify and enjoy Him!