That was me to my 11-year-old son, Joshie, last night. But even after all of my telling him not to, he still showed up in the middle of the night! To be honest, though, I was happy to see my little sweetie. I gave him a pillow and some of my comforter. Can you believe God even found a way to let us know that His Presence was also there with us? This God wink started some days ago, which I wrote about here:

“I immediately felt so much stronger, feeling God’s sweet Presence with me. Later on, that afternoon, having another low moment, He showed up again. I had just helped a customer get insurance on a vehicle she was purchasing from us, and the payment worked out to $311 per month for two cars. Maybe 15 to 20 minutes later, I’m on the phone with my husband, turning into the crazy lady. I looked up exactly from where I was standing talking to him, when God had me to look up at a price per gallon of gasoline directly in front of me saying $3.11. This lined up too perfectly to be some ordinary coincidence. I knew this was God’s way of saying, ‘NIKKI, STOP!!!!’ I instantaneously smiled with God, knowing this was His way of reminding me to be SILENT. The battles belong to Him! Wink! Wink! I caught myself and quickly apologized to hubby for getting crazy on him.”

Then, yesterday, I spoke again about this 311 showing up in a YouTube video. How God used that perfect alignment to help me respond to a situation from His perspective – Nik, SHHHH, leave this battle with me. Like He was winking at me to stay cool. I talked about how these perfect alignments also give me the courage to face my days confidently, knowing God is always with me, and it’s one of the ways I stay close to Him.

So, I know this sounds all crazy. Like can God really talk to me through the number 311 showing up? Fast forward to last night and Joshie coming to snuggle next to his momma after I begged him not to, I checked the time, and it was unbelievably 3:11 (Wink! Wink!).

Then yesterday, having a conversation with our business manager about 911 (his numbers from God) and 711 (my numbers from God) have been showing up all over the place, I called him on the way home to say we’re rebuilding stronger, learning from the mistakes and failures of the past. I said, “With these 911 and 711 showing up for us, I have no doubt it’s God saying He is with us.” Less than 10 seconds after hanging up from him, a police car passes me with “911” printed on the side. I have no doubt that this was again God reminding me that His Presence is with me, and I can trust Him with all my heart no matter the tough challenges I face.

He is with you too. It’s just for you to learn His voice. I highly recommend waking up to appointments with Him every morning asking, ‘God, what do You have to say to me?’ I’m loving Dr. Charles Stanley on YouTube these days for my alone times with God. He speaks directly to me! As you seek God, you will find Him, as His voice will become clearer as you go out into the world. He then helps you to make the wisest decisions to help guide you on the path He has for your life. And let me tell ya, God exceeds my expectations when I follow His leading, and not the crazy lady who constantly wants to show up. (HUGE SMILE)