That was me having some fun with God while brushing my teeth late last night. I picked up my phone to go to bed, and this special screensaver appeared:

“And surely I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:20

I smiled with God, taking this as a message from Him that whether I have a God wink or not, I can surely know that He is ALWAYS with me. Fast forward like ten minutes later, I’m lying in bed listening to a YouTube video, and of all the millions of YouTube videos, the very one I chose said very quietly in the background of the loud music introduction:

“And I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Wink! Wink!)

That lined up too perfectly to be some ordinary coincidence! From me smiling with God to read that verse on my phone, and for it (of all verses in the entire Bible!) to be included at the very beginning of the YouTube video I decided to open minutes later, was all God revealing another glimpse of His invisible Presence with me – NIK, I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU!

Then, this morning, I had a long conversation with my sister, Kelly. She was saying that possibly I should try to get my son, Emmie, off of fast food because of his skin problem whenever he is in the US. I said, “IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE HUMANLY SPEAKING?” My son loves fast food! Fast forward to me leaving the house for my run with God, and I say to Him, ‘I will have my appointment with You under our tree reading from our family’s website the page number of the minutes past the hour.’ I got there, and it was five minutes past, so I ended up reading page 5 that said:

“Can you imagine getting to a place where you do not feel anger, insulted, offended, or annoyed by anyone for what you believe is unfair treatment by them and having such feelings only against yourself? Wow, what a wonderful life that would be, BUT IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE HUMANLY SPEAKING?!?” (Wink! Wink!)

For my words to my sister to show up there was AGAIN God having some fun with me and letting me know that He is always with me. He knows everything about me, and He is involved in every moment of my life. Not only that, your girl needed this message where the post continued:

“Well, God is truly trying to get me there, and I want to challenge you to get there with me. We’re to love others, stop judging them. Everyone is on their own path with God.

We must be professional ignorers, otherwise, we will go through our lives always offended, insulted, and frustrated. When others disappoint us, we have to shake off the hurts and disappointments immediately and keep walking humbly with God, extending grace (pardoning without punishment), forgiving endlessly, becoming better instead of bitter and loving extravagantly.” – Keep Calm, You’re Rolling With God

Not easy, but the way I’m looking at my life is that I’m on this beautiful life adventure with God. Down to a quarter of a second, He is with me. I can spend those quarter seconds enjoying Him or being frustrated by other people. I pick door number one: Enjoying God. I can, therefore, hand over all the disappointments to Him, with my eyes fixed on all the roses in my life.”