That was me to my daughter, Ember, last night when she said I brag too much. She heard from someone who was congratulating her on her scholarship to a top university in New York. “Did you tell them?” she asked. “You know your momma loves to brag! I just write about that every day in my posts! (LOL!) But we’re a family rolling with God so we must brag and tell the world of His goodness.” And after just completing a YouTube video of how I’m savoring every moment of my life with Him and how His favor follows me everywhere I go, look what God had to ask me through my meditation book, He and I, waiting for the video to upload:

“Can I be present and not make your cup of blessings overflow? Who is as rich as I? Who could desire your highest good more than I?”

Honestly, that’s how I’m feeling: my cup overflows with blessings! Only a few minutes of talking with Ember made me so happy! She called me out on my laziness and procrastination, and I appreciated the honesty. She said, “You know you have a bad reputation in regards to that!” And that sincere, candid kind of relationship is what I cherish about her and my daughter, Julie. We can call each other out on areas where we can improve. We have this fierce babes’ alliance that God was behind the scenes nudging us to form, and it has brought us so close together. Relationships are sweeter with God’s involvement!

The conversation with Julie yesterday was letting her know how much I’m looking forward to spending the summer with her as my official driver. She’s starting college early for the final year of high school and will also be working part-time, so I have the honor and privilege of teaching her how to drive. “We’ll do Starbucks. We’ll listen to all the Rich Roll podcasts. We’ll have such a sweet time bonding together!” God has blessed me with the best family, y’all. But there I go bragging again!

Emmie has so impressed me with the way he took some recent tests so seriously. Proud momma! After spending two weeks working with his businessman/boss dad over the holiday, my thirteen-year-old son has come up with his own way of making money. I call him, “Mr. Hustle!” He now buys his own internet credit and pizza! Today, I borrowed from him for mangoes, and he said, “No need to pay me back!” I was thrilled because I’ve been trying so hard to teach my kids KINDNESS and LOYALTY. Both are repaid by God Himself! Wink! Wink!

And this boss husband who works so hard for us, I’m doing what God has ordered: “Overwhelm those who work hard for you with love and appreciation!” When he asked what was for our dinner tonight, I quickly told him about the special menu our cook and I discussed yesterday with fresh ingredients from the market. Our cook will prep everything beforehand, and actually cook it when he gets home so he can have it hot and freshly prepared. God, how about that for overwhelming with appreciation!

And for You, God, I want to overwhelm You with my love and appreciation, too, for all the love and attention you show me by upping my game in finding new ways to make You happier. I’ve given Him the front row seat of my life!

I can’t get over how yesterday He pushed me in my spirit to go back to my completed post and include these specific words: “Our God Is Faithful.” I said, “No problem! You’re the Boss!” Minutes later, I go to Facebook to share it with all my groups there, and Facebook immediately prompts me to ask if I wanted to join a new group, of all names: “Our God Is Faithful (Wink! Wink!).” That was God reminded me that I can count on Him and that He won’t let me down. That goes for you, too! Let’s keep committing ourselves to an even closer walk with God, seeking Him in every moment of our lives, making Him happier!