That was me to my husband and sons a short while ago after my hubby asked why I roll up my exercise shirt sleeves like a crazy person. No shame in my game; that’s my reminder every morning that I have to be tough, strong, and brave (warrior style!), ready to tackle anything that comes my way. Hubs had a good time laughing about it, but being his wife alone calls for a double dose of a warrior mindset because he is not the most comfortable person to be around sometimes, let me tell ya. LOL! But I use his hardness as motivation to be BETTER! Heehaw!

Fast forward to my sons leaving out for school, I go to have an appointment with God at 7:52, so I decided to read page 52 of our family’s website, and look what incredibly showed up at the top of the page:

“Warrior Nikki, baby” Wink! Wink!

Believe it or not, this was another one of my God winks when everything lines up a little bit too perfect to be considered a mere coincident. It was God’s sweet way of revealing His invisible Presence with me. Yesterday, I had another fun wink from Him when I got frustrated looking for a t-shirt to exercise in from my closet. I couldn’t find one I was happy with, so I got a white shirt from my husband’s drawer.

Fast forward to my sons coming home from school, Joshie starts playing a song, Franchise by Travis Scott, and I instantaneously fell in love with it, adding it to my playlist. We kept playing it repeatedly when I finally paid attention to the lyrics that began:

“In my white tee” (Wink! Wink!)

Again, God having some fun with my sons and me, sweetly reminding me that He is familiar with all my ways. For me to be annoyed at my shirt selection that morning, to go looking to get my husband’s white tee drawer, to Joshie playing this song of all songs, was God revealing His sweet, loving, and invisible Presence with us.

And this love from Him is what keeps me going. I felt like a failure waking up today because I haven’t been the person I’m proud of these days. I’ve been fighting my demons, y’all! But again God sweetly showed up in a recent post when I said this to my son after he was feeling bad about a mistake he had made:

“What happens if a child is running across a street and falls? Does that child stay there crying, or does that child pick themselves up and keep going? That’s how we have to be in life. Constantly picking ourselves up after falls and failures, and keep going.”

Warrior style, baby! Rise and shine! All for the glory of God!