I said to someone yesterday. A small little mistake has created a severe problem for them. “You must slow down and involve God in everything you do,” I advised.


And that’s my message for us all today! Don’t rush! Get God involved in the 1,000 decisions you make every day by listening to Him in your spirit. Like a big decision I made yesterday. I had two options. The one I went with was the one that gave me peace when I thought about it. The other option made me anxious, stressed, and there was no peace. So, all day long, I go to God about every move I make. I do my best with what I feel He would have me to do by following those feelings of peace, then I leave the rest to Him.


I’m acquiring the beautiful habit of always being with God, and I’m enjoying Him. Yesterday, we had a situation with a vehicle that was swerving to the right when you drive it. After test driving it for myself, we called a shop to take it to for repairs. Right after talking to the shop, another issue came up with a customer who purchased a vehicle from us last week and the bank that’s financing her. I thought, ‘God, what is this?’ and I rushed to read my meditation book to hear from Him. This verse showed up:


“Let us hold unswervingly (WINK! WINK!) to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.” – Hebrews 10:23


Did you catch that God wink? The vehicle was SWERVING, and the verse said let us hold UNSWERVINGLY (meaning not changing or becoming weaker; steady or constant) to the hope we profess. Call me crazy, but that was God’s way of having some fun with me and His way of letting me know everything would be fine with that customer and the bank. And it was. Our God is faithful!


It was also His way of reminding me that He is in the battles with us. He is in the storms with us. He is in the fires with us. It’s just for us to keep calm and follow His lead by slowing down and getting Him involved in every decision we make by going with the choices that bring us peace, happiness, or excitement when we think about them. The rest of the battle then belongs to the Lord. Doubt, stress, or anxiety means don’t do that!!! Kk?!?