That’s the perspective I’m going with from now on, even during the trials and tribulations, KNOWING I’m incredibly loved and treasured by Him. I’m the apple of His eyes, and we each can say that with total confidence. I’m just the God nerd over here who pays special attention to Him so that I can report back to you on this sweet loving I’m receiving from Him.

Like yesterday, I went out on my LONG run with Him, and because the field I usually go around is so hot, I kept debating where in my neighborhood I could go where there would be lots of trees for shade. Instead of turning to go through the church’s parking lot, I decided to just keep going, and only a few feet away was a long line of trees. It was as if God was saying, “You need some trees to keep you cool while you run, Nik? Well, here you go!’ I felt so special the whole time as I ran up and down past those trees. I even counted them starting from the hot spot without the trees to the other hot spot where they ended, and I counted exactly 47. And even the number 47 was a wink from God as I just recently celebrated my 47th birthday! I’m telling you, God’s love is just too much!!!

Then, right before I left on my run, I had a sit-down conversation with my daughter, Julie, telling her we have to take challenges from a lighthearted and fun perspective, so we don’t get overwhelmed and frustrated. I told her how I decided to take getting our business back on track as a fun adventure, just showing up every day giving my best. Right in the middle of the run, I asked God what He had to say to me, and I used the scroll key to select something and look what incredibly showed up randomly:

“Discuss everything with Me (God). Take a lighthearted view of trouble, seeing it as a challenge that you and I together can handle. Remember that I am on your side, and I have overcome the world.” – Jesus Calling

See how God is intimately involved in every moment of our lives. I called Julie immediately to tell her about this God wink! No way we could have this exact conversation and an hour or so later for it to randomly just show up on its own. It was God again revealing His invisible Presence with us.

And with all this love I’m receiving from God, I feel He wants me to stop looking to others for their love and attention and FOCUS on His. I’m to suck up His love and share it with others as I ENJOY my life’s adventure with Him holding on to my hand, that He promises never to let go of no matter what I go through. The sweet life with God continues…