This God wink began from a few days ago when me and my daughters were out on a run and I stopped both of them to say let’s finish strong by running NONSTOP home playing Drake’s song, NONSTOP. Fast forward to yesterday evening, we’re watching Michelle Obama’s documentary on Netflix, and they show her sitting at a table with her Chief of Staff, unbelievably listening to, our all songs in the world, Drake’s NONSTOP.

Call me Nikki so Crazy, but for me to stop my daughters out on that run to listen to THIS song was God setting us up for this wink from Him through Michelle Obama to remind us that His invisible Presence is ALWAYS with us. Are you paying ATTENTION to your winks from Him?

I’m hoping that as I share my God stories (no matter how crazy they might seem) that you will begin to feel His Presence in your life. That we can eventually go NONSTOP with our eyes on Him no matter the challenges and stress that come our way. Sometimes that may mean holding His hands super tight to make it through some of the difficulties, but no problem, like my sister just told me, “God got us!”

I just want us tapping into His wisdom no matter the situation we face praying for His guidance and His solutions. GOD, HELP ME! No shame in our games! And then start listening for specific steps through thoughts (whispers) that may pop into your mind, suggestions from other people, your feelings, and nudges from Him something you may read. God is pretty talkative once you get to know His voice. And His ways are not our ordinary human ways; they’re so much better!

“Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!”

God is constantly taking me through new experiences just to get me to learn more and more about Him and to increase my FAITH. The paths may be treacherous at times, but He always brings me out tougher, stronger, more loving, and wiser. I want us going to Him in EVERY situation moving forward from a God perspective – God, what would You have me to do here? Doing our best in the physically and leaving the rest with Him in the spiritual realm where ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH HIM. Wink! Wink! Even if we start at nothing. Didn’t God create the entire world from nothing?