My brother, Kevin, that is! He has been like the guard rails sent personally by God to keep me on the right track. Even as a teenager, I remember him asking me what I wanted to be after high school. I told him a flight attendant because I want to travel the world. He said, “There are other ways for you to travel. You can aim higher than that.” At that time, I had such low self-esteem, but hearing those from him lifted me. I ended up going to one of the top universities in New York and working on Wall Street at the headquarters of one of the top banks. Now I’m the proud Vice President of our family business. See the power of our words?

Then, last year, my husband called him with a complaint about me. And when I called Kevin back about it, he said that I should forget what my husband and I were fighting about, and I should focus on bringing my daughters to school in the US from Nigeria. From then on, I didn’t argue with my husband about anything. I was on MISSION BRING DAUGHTERS TO SCHOOL IN THE US. And they haven’t disappointed me, even beginning college-level classes while still in high school. Today I told Ember, buying ice cream for them, “I spoil you guys, but you guys spoil me too. You make mama proud. Thank you.”

Next, it was a time when I was feeling down about something between me and hubs. He said, “Marriage is like a team. When one is weak, the other has to be strong and vice-versa.” I ran with that! Superhero wife in full effect because my husband has definitely been the strong one for our family. I’m super proud of him and where he has guided us. Thanks, boo!

And recently, his advice has brought me such peace. He saids, “Neeks, the best advice I have for you now is to be patient.” Honestly, whenever crazy lady wants to make an appearance, I simply remind myself of what he said, “Be patient.” No one has a perfect life, but patience is seriously working for me. Just needed that reminder from my brother.

Another time, about to travel to Nigeria, he said, “Neeks, go and SHINE BRIGHT. Let them say, “How does this woman stay so strong?” Let me tell ya, I ran with that to the point that it’s now my life MOTTO to SHINE BRIGHT with this GREAT news:

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6