That’s the message from God I felt in my spirit yesterday. Your girl here has lots on her plate right now with trying to get our business here on the right track again, but I’m not going to get overwhelmed or frustrated by it all, I’m going to ENJOY the challenge, take it one day at a time, and most importantly, TRUST GOD TO HELP ME. My hope is in Him, baby! This pic is of me and the two future CEO’s, my handsome and smart sons, Emmie and Joshie, by God’s grace! Heehaw! Momma working hard for you guys!

I loved it when my nephew, Duro, asked me something like, ‘How will you do it (get our business going), Aunty? You don’t have much you’re working with.” I told him about an appointment with God where I felt like a total loser and God said to me:

“Even when you feel good for nothing, give Me this nothing. Didn’t I create with nothing? All I ask of you is the will to give yourself to Me at all times, in cloud or sunshine.” – He and I

God, I’m ALL YOURS!!! If God can create this beautiful universe from nothing, I’m giving Him my nothing to work with – no problem! That means every day, asking, ‘God, what would You have me to do?’ and be about doing that! As I do my best in the physical realm, I’m trusting God to do what I can’t do in the spiritual realm, not going by the ordinary rules – I’m under God’s laws! I’m taking to heart what He said to me the other day in another appointment with Him:

“Discuss everything with Me. Take a lighthearted view of trouble (Nik, have fun with it!), seeing it as a challenge that you and I together can handle. Remember that I am on your side, and I have overcome the world.” Jesus Calling

Notice how these two books, Jesus Calling and He and I, are my go-to meditation books for hearing from God. What are yours? They’ve helped me significantly on my journey to a closer walk with Him. I encourage you to find any spiritual literature that resonates with you and continuously make space in your life to hear what God has to say specifically to you. I LOVE MY LIFE WITH HIM as I’m learning to enjoy His company in every moment. Yesterday, that meant singing my heart out to Him in Justin Beiber’s song, One Time:

“So We keep climbing to the mountain top. Your world is my world. And my fight is Your fight. You by my side, them troubles them not trouble me. I LOVE YOU!”