He makes me feel like the most loved person in the world with all the attention I receive from Him. Yesterday I felt extremely weak and fatigued and I pretty much dragged through the entire day like that. Even the large café con leche (coffee with milk) with extra coffee didn’t do anything for me. I was super tired!

Fast forward to that afternoon, I decided to have an appointment with God, to lean on His heart for a little bit. I continued from where I had last left off to read this message from Him:

“I am with you; that is all you need. My power shows up best in weak people.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9

“…when I am weak, then I am strong –the less I have, the more I depend on him. Whenever you feel weak God is reminding you to depend on Him.” – The Purpose Driven Life

That was the perfect message for me in that moment! No shame in my game! I can therefore boast of my weaknesses because those weak times that I go to Him, remind me that He is with me and He’s intimately involved in every moment of my life. We’re not going through life alone, God is with us!

In fact, whenever I sense any type of disturbance within me, I use it as an opportunity to RUN to God and say, ‘Help me, I don’t like feeling this way.’ I then reflect on the situation from His Almighty perspective and what He would have me to do. And His view changes everything. I constantly remind myself that my life is a joyous journey and adventure with Him. Every day is unique and filled with so much that I have to be grateful for. I keep my eyes fixed on God and not this world! I immediately shake off the disappointments or whatever is disturbing me, and go back to being the loving, forgiving, trusting in God, and going the extra mile person He has called me to be. Everything is between God and me, not between me and anyone else! God, my reward is with You!

Are you having those crucial appointments with God to learn His voice and what He has to say specifically to you? We need Him! His unconditional love is there for us. I feel that weakness yesterday was to slow me down and have some quiet time with Him to reflect on what is His purpose is for my life. Am I living the life He has called me to live? Are you? He doesn’t push Himself on us, but a life lived close to Him is the best!