That’s the verse that God revealed Himself through to me this morning in my alone time with Him. It was another one of my God winks when out of the blue, everything lines up strangely too perfectly to be an ordinary coincident. This verse just randomly showed up after I wrote EXACTLY this yesterday:

“WHEN I’M SAD, I GET TO LAY ON HIS HEART FOR COMFORT. He always finds some way of letting me know that He is right there. THE SADNESS THEN BECOMES JOY knowing that God, the Creator of the Universe, cares and is there with me.”

Phew, I’m not so crazy after all! The God who showed up thousands of years ago to comfort us, is the same God who still shows up today:

“Your faithfulness extends to every generation, as enduring as the earth you created.” – Psalm 119:90

As I debated about what to write about, I felt Him saying I should reshare a story of how a book randomly showed up with a prayer on one of the most difficult days for my family saying:

“Heavenly Father,
Please shine your light upon my family.
Give us strength to overcome all of the difficulties that we are dealing with now”

A priest had shown up just the day before with this book and nine others at my office as a gift to me. For me to read THAT one with THAT prayer was God’s way of comforting me as I laid in bed that night all sad and depressed. I’m sharing it again to say how God intimately cares about our lives, especially our families. He Himself arranged for me to have that book asking me to forgive. And if God asks you to forgive, you forgive! Which turned out to be the best decision – nobody’s perfect!

So, whatever you may be going through, KNOW that God is also with you. I have all these meditation books that I read and I hear from Him through. It’s like He’s just waiting to share His heart with us. Will you let Him in? Taking that time this morning to hear from Him totally changed my perspective for the entire day – My God is with me – Heehaw! May our lives be uninterruptedly with God – IN EVERY MOMENT WE HAVE HIM TO GUIDE, COMFORT, SUPPORT, LOVE, ENCOURAGE, AND TEACH US Amen.