That was me to Him the other night in our bathroom. I’m feeling His Presence so intensely here in Florida, and I want you here, feeling His sweet, unconditional love. I had just come up to get ready for bed after tiredly sending out an old post. Of all the ones I’ve written in the last eight years of writing them, I got a feeling from Him to share one where I shared this verse, not once, but twice in the same post:

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” – John 14:27

So, after telling God, that I knew He was there with me while I brushed my teeth, I picked up a new meditation book I had recently purchased, and right there in my bathroom, I randomly opened it to unbelievably read this message from Him:

“I leave you peace; my peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world does. So don’t let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” – John 14:27

I went screaming to show it to my daughter, Julie! I showed her the post I had just shared with this verse quoted two times and for me to open right up to it in this new meditation book. It was NO CONINCIDENT, but entirely all orchestrated by God to answer my question to Him, ‘Yes, Nik, my invisible Presence is with you, even as you brush your teeth.’

What kind of love is this? That God would make His Presence known to me in my bathroom, of all places. I’m telling you, His love is like no other love that we can get from any other human. He comforts us, gives us strength, wisdom, guidance, unconditional love, security, and so much PEACE that the world cannot provide.

My job from Him is simply to show up as the best me possible. I gave my daughter, Ember, a little talk yesterday of how KINDNESS is working for me. Anything I do, it’s between God and me and not between me and anyone else. I may not get it right all the time, but I try to reflect on situations asking, ‘How can I be better next time?’ Nobody’s perfect, but we all can work on constant and never-ending improvement, giving God all the glory and praise, as we reflect Him and His values of love, kindness, humility, faithfulness, joy, goodness, peace, gentleness to a watching world. God is the one to reward us! Amen!