LOL! That was me to Him yesterday after writing this in my last post:

He seems to be asking something difficult, and I’ve answered, ‘God, anything for You. I have options, but You’re my top one!’

A day later… ‘sorry God, ain’t happening! This is just too much!!!’ But, as I was walking past the inspiration book section of a store last night, I randomly opened to a page of one, and it was a direct message from Him: WE’RE TO HELP ONE ANOTHER. Kk, God, anything for You.

And why such faithfulness and loyalty to God? Because He has been the GREATEST FRIEND EVER. He’s always there for me. In every aspect of my life, in any problem, any distress, He has never failed. On top of that, the unconditional love and acceptance I feel from Him are incredible.

Yesterday, my nephew, Duro, says to me, “Aunty, you don’t have much you’re working with.” I read an old post to him where I quoted from my meditation book what I felt God saying to me after feeling like a total loser one night:

“Even when you feel good for nothing, give Me this nothing. Didn’t I create with nothing.”

Duro, God created the entire universe from nothing! I’m sticking with Him to turn my nothing into something! All things are possible with God!

From then on, the whole entire day, I kept quoting this back to him as to how God can meet us at our lowest of the low if we give that to Him and ask His help in getting us back on the right track again. He’s pretty fantastic like that!

And right before going to bed, look what showed up in my appointment with God:

“Even when you feel good for nothing, give Me this nothing. Didn’t I create with nothing.”

This was just His sweet way of letting me know He is with me. I wanted to read the new meditation book, but I got the feeling from Him to read this one. He also used that time to say this to me (and now you!):

“Why do you sometimes think of Me as a severe master waiting for a chance to find fault with you? Wouldn’t you rather see Me a very loving friend, ready to make excuses for you if you fall? The friend who keeps watch over you. Don’t you think I’m like that?”

I guess we get so used to other humans always waiting for us to mess up, fall, and criticize us, that we see God in this same light, but He really is always ready to make excuses for us. He said to me yesterday on my run with Him: “Don’t belittle your best when this is the best you can do.” I started crying because I’ve been so hard on myself, lately. He knows my heart, and He knows every burden I’m carrying. This transition from Nigeria hasn’t been easy for your girl, but God has been faithful – Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning! Let’s keep our eyes fixed on God and not this crazy, fallen world!