Was the feeling I got when I was STRANGELY drawn to notice the sun shining brightly through our bathroom window revealing all the dirt there. I thought to myself about it, debating as to whether to clean it or not, but when I considered the hassle, I said it wasn’t worth the trouble. I then continued getting dressed for work.

Fast forward to that afternoon, I was having some alone time with God, and look what miraculously showed up:

“Avoid the little faults. Ask me to help you see them more clearly, in their true light, LIKE A WINDOW IN SUNSHINE (Wink! Wink!).”

Wow, God! HIGH FIVE! That was no coincident. It was His sweet way of revealing His intimate Presence with me. For me to pay attention to that WINDOW IN SUNSHINE that morning, and me going to look for some glimpse of His Presence in my alone time with Him, to find these words: WINDOW IN SUNSHINE, was all orchestrated by Him. God is always finding these different and unique ways of letting me know that His invisible Presence is ALWAYS with me. Are you getting to know His personality?

And these faults /imperfections He mentioned, I’m praying hard for Him to help me with some of them, especially my negative thinking, lately. But even these faults He’s helping me to use for my good! Anytime I catch myself, I run to God for His help and guidance, and we even laugh about them together. He’s teaching me to lighten up and not be too hard on myself or others. Practice, practice, and more practice. Nobody’s perfect, but we can all try to become BETTER. Who we were five minutes ago, doesn’t matter! We can continually begin again.

And that’s the love I’m getting to know from God. That I can sit down for some alone time with Him yearning to feel His Presence, and He shows up. We can even laugh at my imperfections! He’s pretty cool like that!

This life is not easy, and events can get us down. That’s why I needed that reminder from Him that despite all the negativity in the world I can keep myself resting permanently at HOME with Him filled with positiveness, gratitude, and love – that’s FAITH, baby! It’s like He melts away all my stress and frustrations saying, ‘Don’t worry about anything, Nik, I’m here with you.’

Please get to know Him for yourself!! Notice how His Spirit had me to pay attention to that window. Small, gentle nudges through our Spirit is what He does a lot – Do this. Don’t do that. START PAYING ATTENTION!!!