That’s God’s constant message to me. I feel His loving and helping Presence always with me in every aspect of my life. Like in the last post I wrote:

“This astounding relationship gives me the peace and joy to wake up every day withGodfidence knowing HE IS ON MY SIDE.”

Fast forward to my very next appointment with God, I continued reading from where I had last left off in my meditation book, Jesus Always, to this:

“Remember that you are My beloved. I AM ON YOUR SIDE, and I want what is best for you.”

And not only did He confirm that He is on my side through this book, written as if He is speaking directly to me, but that day was also miraculous. I had invited a potential management candidate to spend the day at work with me before making a final decision. He sent a message saying it would be a one-day miracle if he sold a car. Can you believe as soon as we opened, some customers came and bought a car from him later on? They told me on the test drive that they really liked his spirit, that he wasn’t aggressive, but very professional in the way he spoke to them.

This is God in action, helping me. He always sends the people I need when I need them. After placing an ad for someone, within minutes, he called. I remember having conversations with God about what to say in the ad and where to post the position, and this gentleman showed up the next day, and I immediately got good vibes from him.

The customers who showed up were also God’s way of saying, ‘Nik, I’m on your side.’ They were the nicest people ever. They told us so many God stories, and there was no doubt that God sent them our way for that miracle. Like I always say, we’re going by God’s economy, not the world’s.

“The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.” Amen!

“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’”

Are you allowing God to be the guide of your life in every moment? Start seeking Him and listening. He has the best plans for us. Don’t miss out!