That’s my remarkable discovery of today! Talking to a friend and hearing her talk about her disappointments made me realize that we EXPECT WAY TOO MUCH FROM OTHERS. Me included!!! I’m seriously getting this wrong myself. We need to expect MORE from GOD and LESS from PEOPLE. Got that?

Watching a show today made me cry. It was my fav person who communicates what dead people say to their still living relatives. And a deceased father was saying that he regretted not showing his older son more love and attention while he was alive. The son was there, and I could imagine the pain he has gone through not feeling the love he was EXPECTING from his father.


People can only give us so much. We have no idea the baggage they’re carrying around and what they’re trying to deal with themselves mentally. We need to stop giving everyone such a hard time and be more gentle and more loving. I loved what God had to say to me in an appointment with Him recently:

“And if you often repeat this loving effort of your mind, you will gain the habit of living more with your Creator than with any created thing, more than the unseen than the seen. You will get to the point where you can use the things of earth and relations with people only for the love of God’s kingdom and for His glory. That, my child, is pure love—never to think of oneself but of God and how best you can please Him.” – He and I, Gabrielle Bossis

Wow! Imagine getting to that point that we just love everyone for God’s glory and do everything pleasing to Him in every moment. What a wonderful world this will be. Let’s give it a try!
