“…You don’t even seem to realize you did this. Nobody is going to admire a man who insults his wife at a party. If you want people to admire your husband, you need to tell a different story about him.”

I LOVE THIS COMMENT because I’m going to use it to be very REAL with you: I HAVE THE PERFECT HUSBAND FOR ME!!! It’s like God had a plan for my life, and He said that this man would be the IDEAL spouse to help me become the absolute best version of myself that GOD HIMSELF created me to be. No joke! The lessons that my hub has taught me have been PRICELESS. I didn’t say easy but priceless.

Like yesterday, he came home from work, and he asked, “What did you accomplish today?” I said, “I cleaned our bathroom.” His next question was, “Why did it get to that state where it was before you cleaned it?”

Believe it or not, that little conversation HIGHLIGHTED SOME CRUCIAL WEAKNESSES THAT I HAVE. The truth is that I’m NOT the person I want to be. For months I’ve had that bathroom on my to-do list to clean and organize properly. But I’m such a huge procrastinator and halfhearted creature, that I don’t give my best to life. The same way I’ve procrastinated on doing some big things like working on my next book. So much so that I’m doing battle with myself with a personal challenge called 50 DAYS OF DISCIPLINE because I’m not just asking “What did you accomplish today? I’m asking myself, “What are you accomplishing with your life?”

And that’s the gift God has given me through my husband. He keeps it real with me. That humiliating question he asked about what I was eating at that party FROM ACROSS THE ROOM, helped push me to lose about 50 pounds, take control of my health, make exercise an essential part of my life, and I’m so much happier because I have a tough husband who is honest and keeps me on the bandwagon of constant self-improvement and vice versa.

Dealing with his honestly over the years has been a challenge (like taking bitter medicine), I’m not going to lie, but I learned a valuable lesson from one of my appointments with God that if someone was to throw 10,000 words at you, look and see what you can take to improve yourself and run with that, ignoring the rest. “What are words, they fly through the air and hurt not a stone!”

Anything my husband says, no matter how bitter tasting, I examine how I can improve, and I’m EXTREMELY grateful to have such a person in my life. No fake and pretend love here! I love how we GET TO BE genuine with each other. We pretty much say what we mean, and we mean what we say. I cherish and appreciate that!

Thanks, my Papa!!! God Himself put us together. I’m your ride or die chick forever. ‘Til death do us part! Keep the criticisms coming, baby! You make me BETTER, STRONGER, WISER AND MORE GRATEFUL TO GOD – YOU’RE MY GIFT FROM HIM!
